Knife round Promod


Retired Member
Aug 11, 2011
Hey ho! I would like to ask you all, what do you think about knife round on our Promod server... I think it's useless and just makes people mad. Always there's one gay who got gun and shot another players. My warnings don't work because I can't even kick player after accident. I would like to remove knife round from our server. Just tell what do you think about it and maybe KF will make some changes :D
Im not admin, but sometimes i am the only one WM member on the server.I cant do anything when somebody shot. I like the knife round so i dont want to delet it .Just need to be stabilize it, you know what i mean.

edit: I heard nobody can fix it. If it true, i agree with Jakob.
Im not admin, but sometimes i am the only one WM member on the server.I cant do anything when somebody shot. I like the knife round so i dont want to delet it .Just need to be stabilize it, you know what i mean.
I don't know how do you want stabilize it... Always when people join game 1 sec after respawn they got gun and we can't fix it. They are too stupid to follow the rules. When admin is on server that's not problem "Knife or kick" but when I'm alone or with another member they just don't listen to us. I think delete that shit is the best way.
Lol, even I know there's a knife round in Promod, and my complete public promod experience is < 1 hour. This is so basic, you can't get rid of it.
Honnestly that rule sucks but I dont care I dont play there...I think there will be always someone who will kill you no matter how many warnings you send it never cant be normal ...
I don't say that I hate knife round... I like it and it's funny but makes me mad when someone shot. I don't understand what's the point in playing knife round on public server if some players can shot people. If it's so good for ya and you don't care maybe I will start do same because I don't see another way to stop fucking cunts with guns. And by the way rest of fair players think we are shitters coz we even can't stop it. And the best for me are comments: "I don't care because I don't play there..." If you don't care stop writing here it's topic for people who cares...
btw i speak already bout that with Bean and i think too that rule sucks but i still love coz i love knife
but....there are too many fuckers which climb and jumps on map and i always say kill glitchers coz they r anoying and too many ppl shot they dont even look my warnings and when i kick they become anoying noobs so pls remove that knife round and all happy
b4 having admin rights i always took weapons and stood back so i could kill the fuckers who were shootin or glitchin, and for the annoying players well iw3 u know 80% promod players are sad kids, say once that u cant do anything and then ignore them! if u cant kick or ban best way is ignore them or they will never stop complaining!
imo knife round is what made our server so popular, u cant take it away
Well since usually punishment for no knife is just kick all those troublemakers who ruin game on purpose never start to listen orders. Make some standards spaming = ban for 24 h, insulting = 48 h , no knife = 24 h, not playing obejctive = 48 h etc etc Otherwise what is big deal ? When you kick such a noob he can rejoin in 2-3 sec.
yeah, im alone in the server a lot so not even any point in warning, cos I cant do anything anyway..

the knife round is fun, and its apparently because everyone connects at different times, so a lot of people miss the first round anyway