KING COOK / Cookiez

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Apr 25, 2014
so, i was wondering now that it's been a while since my ban, if i could be unbanned. this is not something that's gonna affect me when it comes to teamspeak, the forums or on the server. I'm gonna be just like every other person on there, just another player on your server. all it is, is that i just want some people to play with every now and then. people i know, and people i love.

i've learnt my lesson, and i miss the people on the servers, especially WM members, and I'd love to be let back onto your servers, and you can keep all the eye on me that you like. you'd be able to expect perfect behaviour from me, and not the smacktalking you might be used to from me, or the hacking.

regards, cook
I dont think you learned any lesson whatsoever, a month ago you made a goodbye post, saying you are not going to visit the forums, ts or servers anymore.
You change your mind every few weeks, you cheated, youre banned and with that, the ban stays.
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