joining wm - NO SPAM

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Euskadi said:
muahaha, sorry if you will be anfry but to me, religion is the way the human being made to think they did their mistake coz of their god. They pray for a virtual guy who will never help you. You think you will go to the paradize if you pray for your god everyday, if u spend your whole life to lick his feet, he can laugh. You waste the few time you have to have fun. Ppl think after the death before enjoyinng their life. I'm jealous of benoit XVI ( i have no religion but most of ppl in french are christia ..) his life is so nice, he travels alltime :P

lol i am not angry dude. evey1 has got free idea to believe or not

if u made a mistake it s not about GOD :) you made it

no1 knows god's sexuality

where do you know ?

the religion don t say you musn t have fun

the god doesn t want you lick feet :P

and you opinion don t exist in muslims
We came out from the deep
To help and understand but not to kill
It takes many lives till we succeed
To clear the debts
Of many, many hundred years
We came out from the deep
To learn to love, to learn how to live
We came out from the deep
To avoid the mistake we made
Thats why we are here !
We came out from the deep
To help and understand, but not to kill
It takes many lives till we succeed
To clear the debts of many hundres years
Thats why we are here !
yea.. i wait u, expecially virus that will sleep with me of course ahahahaha :biggrin:
omg what a *** bastardo! xD we will cut ur balls of if u dare to touch us! :P
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