REJECTED Join To World Mafia

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Hello , My name is Patryk. In Game my nick is |HDS|Lisek1311|PL|. First bracket of my nick is shortcut of
The name of the place of work.Lisek is my pseudonym , so |PL| its know.
Usually I play in Swat 4 /Warface.
My internship in Swat 4 game is about 12/13 Years.
Im from Poland ,so I know very well police tactics xDD
I'm 24 years old.
My Steam -->
My Discord --> Lisek1311
Unfortunately at this moment I haven't any microphone. But I'm going to buy :)
I can play between 16-24 Poland time ;)
In one day I play about 4 hours, but it depends from presence other players.
To this day I was not in any clan. I did not think about it.
My application motivates a frequent presence in the game. The desire to improve your skills and international contacts.
I think its all , enjoy reading :P
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: KrazyFire
Hey mate!

Welcome to our forums! We'll soon open a poll regarding your trial membership, and once it ends, we'll let you know the results.

Good luck and we'll keep in touch. ;)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: |HDS|Lisek1311|PL|
Hey again mate,

I am heee to inform you that you have failed to reach the percentage required for trialship. You are free to re-apply at any time.

See you around!
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