Jimas OWN3D


Oct 9, 2008
ahahaha Jimmy got owned by the prankmaster ;)

|WM|FiliX78: yo
|WM|Jimas{GR}: hey m8
|WM|Jimas{GR}: need to ask ya somethin
|WM|FiliX78: yes i am gay
|WM|FiliX78: :D
|WM|Jimas{GR}: can u giomme site online for buying cod pass and username for a friend
|WM|Jimas{GR}: loooooooool
|WM|Jimas{GR}: hahahaha
|WM|FiliX78: ahah
|WM|FiliX78: cod pass?
|WM|FiliX78: u mean cd-key?
|WM|Jimas{GR}: yeah
|WM|Jimas{GR}: u have!??!
|WM|FiliX78: mhhh
|WM|FiliX78: gimme a min i search
|WM|FiliX78: coz i see somewhere i cant remember
|WM|Jimas{GR}: okey
|WM|FiliX78: Call of Duty 4 CD-Key - CD-Keys Direct
|WM|Jimas{GR}: is it safe?!?!
|WM|Jimas{GR}: :D
|WM|FiliX78: i hope
|WM|FiliX78: :D
|WM|Jimas{GR}: lol
|WM|FiliX78: never tried
|WM|Jimas{GR}: one more queation
|WM|FiliX78: ahahah u got banned and need new cdkey
|WM|FiliX78: ahahah
|WM|Jimas{GR}: lloool
|WM|Jimas{GR}: no
|WM|Jimas{GR}: its fior a friend
|WM|FiliX78: cmon.. tell the truth to uncle filix :)
|WM|FiliX78: yea yea for a friend
|WM|FiliX78: :DD
|WM|Jimas{GR}: lool dont know if i am banned
|WM|Jimas{GR}: w8 i try

|WM|Jimas{GR}: no bitch
|WM|Jimas{GR}: :)
|WM|Jimas{GR}: i am not banned
|WM|Jimas{GR}: hahaha
|WM|FiliX78: ahahahah u checked for real
|WM|FiliX78: owned
|WM|Jimas{GR}: yeah looooool
|WM|FiliX78: this is going on forum
|WM|FiliX78: ;)
|WM|Jimas{GR}: hahahah
|WM|Jimas{GR}: bitch
|WM|FiliX78: hahah