i dont trust sabbath.. so iasked myself too
|WM|FiliX78: relaxing = porn?
|WM|Jimas{GR}: bitch
|WM|FiliX78: ahahah
|WM|FiliX78: cmon
|WM|FiliX78: stop that shit

|WM|FiliX78: or ur dick will hurt

|WM|Jimas{GR}: looooool
|WM|FiliX78: i heard u downloaded entire slutload archive?
|WM|FiliX78: is that true?
|WM|Jimas{GR}: havent watch porn since i was teenager
|WM|Jimas{GR}: dont what u r talking about
|WM|Jimas{GR}: know*
|WM|FiliX78: u mean i started watch porns when i was teenager

|WM|Jimas{GR}: loooooooool
|WM|FiliX78: ok ok i leave u "relaxing" dont want u lose erection.. ehm.. concentration

|WM|Jimas{GR}: looooool