jetsonray secrets :D


Retired Member
Jul 20, 2011
im makin this funny topic to explain where my awesome nick comes from :D
someone (kf n sbsp) think that i took it from the cartoon the jetson...
thats obviously wrong :D
this nick is actually a real life nick! now u will say "wtf how can u cal a guy jetsonray?"...well it happens ;)
tbh ive heard much worse :P
well, goin back to the aim of this topic ill tell u how my nick was created by 3 upper minded people (includin me but thats obvious!)
abt an year ago a m8 of mine wanted to find a cool nick for me n he came up with the idea of jetson, but suddenly another friend said ray so i took them both n put them togheter into an only fuckin awesome nick :D
Jetson Ray was even added on my facebook account! my mac's name is jetson's ray mac :D
i love this nick coz it reminds me abt some jazz musiciants of the new orleans' back streets, music gender that i love even if i dnt listen to it that much ;)
ok so this is jetsonray's true story! feel free to ask questions or simply post ur opinions :D
i was about to write the same as Li and Javier! :D

WHO THE FUCK CARES? (((((((((=
I didnt write anything here, cause it is even better then " And who cares?"
fu all :D
this topic was originally made for kf n sbsp!
i knew it would end up like this -.-"
tiny dick guy showed his small friend to tiny dickhole, jealouse of the other guys bone.....