Is there anyone good with Photoshop around here?

Linux said:
Alright, I made one simple banner in two resolutions, one in 360x60, and other in 300x60 since 360x60 seems stretched.

I like the idea but it has to be transparent background so it wont look like a big block down there
Xavii said:
Same size, but resolution should be higher, it's hard to read that.
Yeah I meant size, not resolution I edited that now.

Kiehs said:

I like the idea but it has to be transparent background so it wont look like a big block down there

Linux said:
Choose whichever you like more. They are both transparent.
Let's just add a banner with a link to our forum. If somebody creates something more cool, fine. But let's at least have the link ASAP there.
ye ye i know that its late with the logo and banners. But i cant do more than tell it everytime to my friend if i see him :D He said he has holiday's on february nd will find finally some time then. Lets hope and see what happens :P