REJECTED Introduction myself + be part of WM

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Jan 5, 2021
Hi all

Im Wolverine

My name in the game is Wol

Im 28 years old

I play SWAT4, it is my favourite game

I really love WM clan

I wanna become a part of WM

Thanks all


Could you please edit your post and answer all the questions in our questionare below? Please do it like our other applicants did, for example below (taken from Diplodocus application):

What is your in-game name? → Diplodocus
Which games do you play and for how long? → Swat4
Where are you from? → Barcelona Spa
How old are you? → 31
Do you have a Discord account? If yes, what is your profile name (with discriminator, for example Someone#1234)? → IDK#9681
Do you have a Steam account? If yes, what is your profile URL? → No
Do you have a microphone? → Yes
How many hours you spend in game per week (average)? → 2/3h
In which clans have you been before? If yes, why did you leave them? → Us 1.0
Anything else you want to say? →
Hi all

My name in the game is : Wol

I play SWAT4 : 6 years ago

Im from : Morocco, Meknes

Im :28 years old

I have discord: Wolverine#0435

I have steam account: Wolverine

I dont have a microphone

3 or 4 in Week ends i play SWAT4

Im in MYT now

I want to say thanks to all broskis :)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: A$AP “Xelah”!
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