Interleaving Vs Fastpath

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Oct 12, 2009
Quote Kamikazi,
Interleaving is an error correction protocol that is implemented for your line at the DSLAM. With Interleaving enabled, the DSLAM can correct errors in the data stream it receives before passing that data to your gateway router. It is usually implemented on noisy or marginal lines and can greatly increase sync stability and effectively eliminate "first hop" packet loss. The largest drawback to Interleaving is that it will increase your ping time, specifically to your first hop gateway router.

If Interleaving is not enabled on your line, it is configured as FastPath. FastPath allows the DSLAM to pass the data received from you to the first hop router without performing any error correction. As a result, marginal lines could experience an increase in packet loss and decrease in sync stability (i.e. frequent sync loss). However, FastPath has lower ping times, especially to the first hop router.

I rang ISP today and asked them about this, they told me because my line was so far from exchange (8km) this was set to high. I asked them to turn it to low.

Now my ping in CO4 is averaging 47 (before was averaging 80)
Fear Combat ping, 33 (before was 65)

Still have to check SWAT4..

But seriously, Thanks for the great post kamikazi
omg kami what are u doing on this forum if u dont want to know us anymore?
im rly dissapointed, coz he removed me, and didnt accept my invitation..:P
doesnt matter in my case..i tought we are friends, and especially i didnt do anything wrong to him! :P
lol. did WM do to him something bad?

all i know is that euska promised him to use condom and after he didnt use ....

>.< dunno i have him in friendslist.
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