Inactive for a time.


Aug 30, 2011
First, clarify the reason for being so angry,I'm having a hard time in wm clan, im not having patience with anything, so the best i can do is get away for a few days, coz i cant be the same missy as always, im mad, sad, stressed, i can not play quiet, each min there is a problem, so i ll take a week to relax and come back being the girl who know her. I wont keep fighting so.. im tired of all .. hope u all understand :) bb hf
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: KrazyFire and sound
we will go on vacation make some fun kissing,... and other stuffs so cya mates ;)
Of course I understand you. I really know what you mean and I think it's good idea. Come back happy&healthy and stop being angry for me. I have also bad days last time and I said to you many bad words. The truth is, that I'm mad when you don't let another players play with scope in wars. I remeber at the beginning our friendship when you raged after I've took scope. Anyway I will not play with you. That will be better for us. We play one war per month so what is the difference. I don't need to play especially when our wars looks like this one today... We always loose because of fight between us and then noone can concentrate. I choose public server. It gives me more fun. I hope you understand me too. See yaa after your "holidays"
Tomate una semana de relax sin pc y disfruta de la vida xDD y que vuelvas con fuerzas para jugar en el HC server
P.D: yo tb necesito una semanita d relax xD
Tia q ta pasao? bueno si hay algo en q te pueda ayudar dime...Descansa y espero verte pronto jugando otra vez.
Of course I understand you. I really know what you mean and I think it's good idea. Come back happy&healthy and stop being angry for me. I have also bad days last time and I said to you many bad words. The truth is, that I'm mad when you don't let another players play with scope in wars. I remeber at the beginning our friendship when you raged after I've took scope. Anyway I will not play with you. That will be better for us. We play one war per month so what is the difference. I don't need to play especially when our wars looks like this one today... We always loose because of fight between us and then noone can concentrate. I choose public server. It gives me more fun. I hope you understand me too. See yaa after your "holidays"

I bet fight over Scope ..
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: sound and KrazyFire
long story short (for the ppl that dont know what happend): missy wanted scope and got mad at jakob for not giving the scope
long story short (for the ppl that dont know what happend): missy wanted scope and got mad at jakob for not giving the scope

Not exactly. I didn't even want to play with scope (on crash) :P she always plays with sniper there. I made a mistake when I kicked all players. I just thought we all wanted to finish match (Jason left) I also said that it's late (someone that "cya" etc. maybe you were talking about Jason left). Never before I kicked all players without any reason and you know that (but she was mad after this). She told me after, that I always kick players when I have bad score... Second reason is that she always talk about my skills when I play with scope (and she says "drop it" etc.) I told her this same when she was playing on crash...(of course she was angry after my insult) Maybe I should not do this. It will not happen again because we'll not play together wars anymore.
Tomate un tiempo y replanteate si juegas para divertirte y relajarte o para estresarte. Yo tambien me he tomado el juego demasiado en serio alguna vez y no se gana nada con ello ;)