Important pool.

Rate how gay you are. Use the scale.

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i voted "not really sure". but im missing the option "not gay, but most girls i meet think i am and sometimes gay guys try to hook on me. and my granny thought i was gay. and actually being gay would make things way easier!!! but yeah im straight :: )"
OMG! joe your picture appeared like 10 seconds after the page was loaded! You fucking dont want to get scared by a guys big black clock.. you dont..
Kiehs said:
OMG! joe your picture appeared like 10 seconds after the page was loaded! You fucking dont want to get scared by a guys big black clock.. you dont..
you hoped for a big black dick, didnt you?
Stoner said:
I'm not gay but a hole is a hole and 20$ is 20$ after all...
you can try sheep, you can find one wondering around a field for free. and then use the $20 you saved for a gay porn movie
jOe! said:
you hoped for a big black dick, didnt you?
Actually i skipped it cause it didnt load and then it poped up right infront of my face! im so glad its not a big black dick