Our conversation in xfire:
[19:22] A.swe|Mosun: hi do you wanna unban me from the sd server ?
[19:23] |WM|Ceeee: Hey
[19:23] |WM|Ceeee: When did you get banned? From HC or Promod
[19:24] A.swe|Mosun:

berty banned me
[19:24] A.swe|Mosun: never play HC so from the " normal" mode"'
[19:24] A.swe|Mosun: yesterday warlord said berty posted something in your forum
[19:25] |WM|Ceeee: Yes
[19:26] A.swe|Mosun: apperantly "im dodgy as hell" my reaction when i asked him on your ts ...i thought he must be drunk?
[19:27] |WM|Ceeee: He suspects you of wallhacking
[19:27] |WM|Ceeee: But what was the reason for 60 min ban
[19:28] A.swe|Mosun: yeah he said that wh when i asked him after on your ts ...and he permbanned me dirr
[19:28] |WM|Ceeee: Banned from TS? He can't permban from servers
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: im still banned from your server
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: and he did it
[19:29] |WM|Ceeee: What was your ingame nick at that time or your full GUID
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: you should really rethink his admin rights
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: Inline3
[19:29] |WM|Ceeee: Ah
[19:29] |WM|Ceeee: Smokin banned you
[19:30] |WM|Ceeee: cause of Berty told him to
[19:30] |WM|Ceeee: but anyways
[19:30] A.swe|Mosun: i have played this game about 7000-8000h
[19:30] A.swe|Mosun: and we in Atos never cheats
[19:30] |WM|Ceeee: Are you ghosting on our server with your team mates under other nicks than your clan tag etc. ?
[19:31] A.swe|Mosun: in that case i kick them out
[19:31] |WM|Ceeee: Right
[19:31] A.swe|Mosun: some time maybe ghosting but uselly no
[19:31] |WM|Ceeee: Ghosting isn't allowed. Our own members don't do it either even though often on TS
[19:31] A.swe|Mosun: its no sprt if you help ppl
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee: Depends
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee: Make a ban appeal and we'll discuss in there
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee:
[19:32] A.swe|Mosun: can i see the evedence against me ?
[19:32] A.swe|Mosun: he must have recorden it right?
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee: There is no evidence
[19:33] |WM|Ceeee: I don't know, you can ask from him
[19:33] |WM|Ceeee: Are you the leader of "Atos" ?
[19:33] |WM|Ceeee: Because Warlord mentioned something that he talked with the leader of your clan
[19:34] A.swe|Mosun: im the leader
[19:34] |WM|Ceeee: ok
[19:34] A.swe|Mosun: some members of my team trasher froz shago hector/lerook Isaak
[19:35] |WM|Ceeee: I know
[19:38] |WM|Ceeee: I will post this conversation on the topic you will make, if it's ok for you?
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: k so u belive a 17year old guy who cant see the diffrens between a clean guy who has played cod1 cod2 cod4 and never cheated and always been in atos and he has no so called proof? but ok i can go on your forum and says i clean Berty shouldent be a admin?
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: no offens
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: yeah u can post it np
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: oh Atos was called POP first then it became Atos
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: I'm not saying that. Ok
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: But by making the topic
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: we can make things clear to everyone at the same time
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: That's the point
[19:40] A.swe|Mosun: i dont wanna be an ashole but wtrongfully accused ...hm to old for that shit

[19:41] A.swe|Mosun: yeah np
[19:42] A.swe|Mosun: and acording to the so called ghosting issue its maybe only when ppl are afk and that sort of things never to "help"
[19:43] A.swe|Mosun: ingame
[19:43] |WM|Ceeee: Ok
[19:45] A.swe|Mosun: this was my nick yesterday InL1N3
[19:45] |WM|Ceeee: I know
[19:46] |WM|Ceeee: 2013-06-29 23:45:02 Sm0k1n@Promod Server: pb_sv_ban 14 \"appeal www.worldmafia.net\" //Username=InL1N3 IP= (SE)
[19:47] |WM|Ceeee: Tell me when you've made the topic and I'll post the conversation, as it is. You can check yourself that I've not changed anything in this.
[19:54] A.swe|Mosun: now i hope its ok
[19:55] A.swe|Mosun:
[19:55] |WM|Ceeee: Yes
[19:56] |WM|Ceeee: So Now I'll post this conversation from that my comment where I show you that smokin banned you
[19:57] A.swe|Mosun: ok you can post all of this if you want i have nothing too hide
Edit: Keep it polite this time, meaning our admins.