Im wrongfully banned

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Jun 29, 2013
I got banned by Berty last night and i really think u should be more correct when you take this action /decision to ban someone. In this case youre totally

wrong and if you have any kind of evedence me hacking i love to see it. Well no hard feeelings but i got a little pissed but that was yesterday. ;)

Post it here ceee pls:
hf and ty
Our conversation in xfire:

[19:22] A.swe|Mosun: hi do you wanna unban me from the sd server ?
[19:23] |WM|Ceeee: Hey
[19:23] |WM|Ceeee: When did you get banned? From HC or Promod
[19:24] A.swe|Mosun: ;) berty banned me
[19:24] A.swe|Mosun: never play HC so from the " normal" mode"'
[19:24] A.swe|Mosun: yesterday warlord said berty posted something in your forum
[19:25] |WM|Ceeee: Yes
[19:26] A.swe|Mosun: apperantly "im dodgy as hell" my reaction when i asked him on your ts ...i thought he must be drunk?
[19:27] |WM|Ceeee: He suspects you of wallhacking
[19:27] |WM|Ceeee: But what was the reason for 60 min ban
[19:28] A.swe|Mosun: yeah he said that wh when i asked him after on your ts ...and he permbanned me dirr
[19:28] |WM|Ceeee: Banned from TS? He can't permban from servers
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: im still banned from your server
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: and he did it
[19:29] |WM|Ceeee: What was your ingame nick at that time or your full GUID
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: you should really rethink his admin rights
[19:29] A.swe|Mosun: Inline3
[19:29] |WM|Ceeee: Ah
[19:29] |WM|Ceeee: Smokin banned you
[19:30] |WM|Ceeee: cause of Berty told him to
[19:30] |WM|Ceeee: but anyways
[19:30] A.swe|Mosun: i have played this game about 7000-8000h
[19:30] A.swe|Mosun: and we in Atos never cheats
[19:30] |WM|Ceeee: Are you ghosting on our server with your team mates under other nicks than your clan tag etc. ?
[19:31] A.swe|Mosun: in that case i kick them out
[19:31] |WM|Ceeee: Right
[19:31] A.swe|Mosun: some time maybe ghosting but uselly no
[19:31] |WM|Ceeee: Ghosting isn't allowed. Our own members don't do it either even though often on TS
[19:31] A.swe|Mosun: its no sprt if you help ppl
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee: Depends
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee: Make a ban appeal and we'll discuss in there
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee:
[19:32] A.swe|Mosun: can i see the evedence against me ?
[19:32] A.swe|Mosun: he must have recorden it right?
[19:32] |WM|Ceeee: There is no evidence
[19:33] |WM|Ceeee: I don't know, you can ask from him
[19:33] |WM|Ceeee: Are you the leader of "Atos" ?
[19:33] |WM|Ceeee: Because Warlord mentioned something that he talked with the leader of your clan
[19:34] A.swe|Mosun: im the leader
[19:34] |WM|Ceeee: ok
[19:34] A.swe|Mosun: some members of my team trasher froz shago hector/lerook Isaak
[19:35] |WM|Ceeee: I know
[19:38] |WM|Ceeee: I will post this conversation on the topic you will make, if it's ok for you?
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: k so u belive a 17year old guy who cant see the diffrens between a clean guy who has played cod1 cod2 cod4 and never cheated and always been in atos and he has no so called proof? but ok i can go on your forum and says i clean Berty shouldent be a admin?
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: no offens
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: yeah u can post it np
[19:39] A.swe|Mosun: oh Atos was called POP first then it became Atos
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: I'm not saying that. Ok
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: But by making the topic
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: we can make things clear to everyone at the same time
[19:40] |WM|Ceeee: That's the point
[19:40] A.swe|Mosun: i dont wanna be an ashole but wtrongfully accused to old for that shit ;)
[19:41] A.swe|Mosun: yeah np
[19:42] A.swe|Mosun: and acording to the so called ghosting issue its maybe only when ppl are afk and that sort of things never to "help"
[19:43] A.swe|Mosun: ingame
[19:43] |WM|Ceeee: Ok
[19:45] A.swe|Mosun: this was my nick yesterday InL1N3
[19:45] |WM|Ceeee: I know
[19:46] |WM|Ceeee: 2013-06-29 23:45:02 Sm0k1n@Promod Server: pb_sv_ban 14 \"appeal\" //Username=InL1N3 IP= (SE)
[19:47] |WM|Ceeee: Tell me when you've made the topic and I'll post the conversation, as it is. You can check yourself that I've not changed anything in this.
[19:54] A.swe|Mosun: now i hope its ok
[19:55] A.swe|Mosun:
[19:55] |WM|Ceeee: Yes
[19:56] |WM|Ceeee: So Now I'll post this conversation from that my comment where I show you that smokin banned you
[19:57] A.swe|Mosun: ok you can post all of this if you want i have nothing too hide

Edit: Keep it polite this time, meaning our admins.
So i made a bad call? Who doesn't, your gameplay that night was beyond dodgy, you were something like 25-5 or something like that, your aim is fucking terrible, your movement is fucking terrible, so i thought this guy might be hacking, proceeding to spec you under your fake nick your game play was still dodgy, sitting in corners staring at a wall only to peek at the exactly moment someone runs round the corner. Seems legit pal.
Another thing - why under fake nick? This also added to my reason to ban you, i play pub a lot and never seen a guy called inline so i thought you are some scrub that just started playing on our server with hacks. obviously if you were under the nickname [A]Mosun i would of maybe had a second thought about this. Anyway at the end of the day i think he should be unbanned, but when you play on our server you must be under your real nickname so i can spec you properly. And all your bullshit remarks 'played over 9 million hours' doesn't mean shit if im honest, and the fact you played cod 1 cod 2 cod 3? doesn't mean much either. Overall yes i agree my ban was wrong and i did it to hastily, i was a bit stoned that night as well :D

My apologies to your ban i hope my actions dont reflect on the rest of WM. Just play under a real nick please aswell. Thanks.
FYI i had 21 14 on backlot btw (and i got banned on first round citystreets)..... and if i uses fake nick or not doesent make your ability to see a real hacker better. My aim and so called "dodgy movement" can ofc also be discussed but still i had and often has better score then you so who are you to judge me at that M8?

And sry i really forgot your attitude as a admin and represent here on your i can go DOWN to your lvl then here it comes : FUCK FUCKING!

And ofc for you other ppl in WM im sry for my last words there.

Best Regards /Mosun
Mosun propably berty make a mistake,we are humans and we are not machines,but your attitude...totaly failed.Next time keep your real name when join our server.
.(And sry i really forgot your attitude as a admin and represent here on your i can go DOWN to your lvl then here it comes : FUCK FUCKING!)
Yes i will swear because you pissed me off how you acted about the ban, how old are you? You're older than most anyway so i would expect you to be a little more mature about it instead of flaming this flaming that, what you give me ill only give you back, but a lot harder.
So Berty do you really think its nice of you to start cursing when you have made a misstake and banned me? thats why i acted a little childish (and i m sry for that) its easy to judge ppl right? You made the hasty decision and the 1 thing i dont wanna be called anywere is a cheater NOT by you or anyone else that is a line not to cross with me.

About my actions told me last night that i should be unbanned after 5 min ....earlier tonight i was still banned thats why i contacted ceeee just to solve it fast and i made my opinion to make you to really think about why you so easily ban for no reason. You could just talked to deadzje who was in the same channel as you and knew it was me playing. (it was just you and him there)
You responded to this with cursing and talked how bad im at this game ,,,,thanks!
The reason i said that i have played alot of games before is that more or less "proofs" that we in Atos or esp i dont cheat if you look at my history.
Mosun said:
So Berty do you really think its nice of you to start cursing when you have made a misstake and banned me? thats why i acted a little childish (and i m sry for that) its easy to judge ppl right? You made the hasty decision and the 1 thing i dont wanna be called anywere is a cheater NOT by you or anyone else that is a line not to cross with me.

About my actions told me last night that i should be unbanned after 5 min ....earlier tonight i was still banned thats why i contacted ceeee just to solve it fast and i made my opinion to make you to really think about why you so easily ban for no reason. You could just talked to deadzje who was in the same channel as you and knew it was me playing. (it was just you and him there)
You responded to this with cursing and talked how bad im at this game ,,,,thanks!
The reason i said that i have played alot of games before is that more or less "proofs" that we in Atos or esp i dont do that stuff.
I only said that because i was angry, i apologise and to getting you unbanned there was no one online currently that could unban you, so i made a topic about it instead. After i banned you deadzjeh said it was you, but he left after 2 mins. My cursing was because you were annoying me, my bad there.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Mosun
Ok have a nice evening now Berty you seems to be a alright guy! Sry for my "hard" words aswell bb ty for the respons so we could solve this easily. ;) bye
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: TBerty
if i have to say it i dnt mind under which nick u play on our server, it could be my mum's name too! but if it may happen of an admin asking u if u have any other nicks then identify urself!
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Mosun
Remember, you are not allowed to ghost on our servers.

PunkBuster Server: Guid 8e1ff6cedffb2bfc228e47f4b033a7ca has been Unbanned
PunkBuster Server: 1 Ban Record Updated
i testify that berty came to my xfire saying me that he has done a mistake and banned a wrong dude (even tho he had a doubt about legit), but still he was feeling bad about that hasty movment he did. I consider that it always costs to say that u failed, so...much respect for that. Maybe Bert is young and cursing, but he's a great dude and he's tryin to do good thingz as an admin. I m happy u sorted it out, always better to discuss than insult,

safe to you both,
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