if you have no life :D

man seriously stop creat thread for each single link especially with such a shit ! if there will more poeple like you forum become one big trash
in 1h there good rythm lol i really dont know what they sing...

edit: Listen this and look Michal Signature :) BIG LMAO
Work with Menc Signature too..maybe im too sleepy lool
I dont understand a word here,but I always love those songs.It is good for ears :D
[sub]just omg... and another omg for kf if he really listened it for a hour! :DDDDDD[/sub]
really they came from space, in meterorits, .... they must not be from this planet.
i did listen it about 1h too lool xD TURK TURK TURK TURK Xd there a picture of osama bin laden at 6:55:04
i did forget it on while i was in FB and in Forum thats why i listened it...then i did go to YOUTUBE and i did check comments and there was time and spot of that osama picture xD im just victim xD
listen this music and stare to Michal's signature... I could stay like that for a year.
LoL this is good :D KF you shoult make radio on forum with this link playing 24/7 We will see how long we can teake it :D GJ Menc