iam back ;D


Retired Member
Dec 3, 2011
So gays, sorry was on a hunting trip the last week ( guess i failed telling someone :X). Sad stories ive nearly cut off thumb so i wont be able to play for the next 3 weeks as the dcotor said. I might pop up on the srever though but yea.


Nice Shot ;) glad u are doing fine..did u cut down any other than u thumb? anyway wb!
maybe next time read instruction the smal black hole must be directed to the target not too your finger :D
coz in gayswat u cant jump! the left thumd is hardly used in cod! i use it for jump crouch and go prone ;)
and abt u playing cod well thats not something to take into consideration :P
coz in gayswat u cant jump! the left thumd is hardly used in cod!

yes you see that is why cod sucks so much, you jump like 20 ft into the air with all the equipments that guy carries, i know graphics suck in swat, but at least the developers have some common sense as to a person cannot jump so high constantly
point is i dnt care abt how much realistic the game is, i just want to shoot all niggas and chinises on my way :D