I was banned

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Mar 20, 2013
Hi guys,

I got banned a few minutes before by your Clanmember Idrizi. Well the reason was wallhack, but I played 4 or 5 rounds on Strike and had only a good run. I don't use any kind of cheats/hacks or whatever. After playing this game for over 4 years you just know the standard spots where people are, for that you don't need a wh.. So I would like you to think again about this ban and remove it.
I really like this server, his rules and also the niveau which is above the average..

Hello ool.Your teammates who play regularly on WM also told that you hack,and admin undercover was in your team too,and he comfirmed you are very strange.
Any other nick you played with on WM,becouse ive never saw ool.
Yeah it's not the first time that I hear that, but what should I do? Play worse than I can? My only choice is to contact you.. I saw in another post from you, that you are well known with RoberST. May you ask him about a player named 'tb'n' I played under this nick a long time ago. Maybe he remerbers me and could say that I know how to play and don't cheat.. We spend a lot time on this server and on the S&D Server from the German Wolfpack Clan. There I also got called Cheater often but I really play fair..

to your edit:
yeah forgot to change it, it's the first time with this nick.. :D
well I played some days under the name 'Iod' a few days ago, I dont really have a constant name at the moment..
ool said:
Yeah it's not the first time that I hear that, but what should I do? Play worse than I can? My only choice is to contact you.. I saw in another post from you, that you are well known with RoberST. May you ask him about a player named 'tb'n' I played under this nick a long time ago. Maybe he remerbers me and could say that I know how to play and don't cheat.. We spend a lot time on this server and on the S&D Server from the German Wolfpack Clan. There I also got called Cheater often but I really play fair..

to your edit:
yeah forgot to change it, it's the first time with this nick.. :D
well I played some days under the name 'Iod' a few days ago, I dont really have a constant name at the moment..
I allways thought you hacked when under nick 'lod' but what can i say? i cant tell a hacker in hc
Well I also often could not beliebe how I get killed, but shit happens, However I do not think it is okay to ban somebody just on suspicion, although he is a fair player.
I wasn't the one who banned you, and no, we dnt ban for a suspicion, we ban when we are sure of it
Im glad that you found it funny ;)
So is there any chance, that you remove the ban and take another look at my gameplay or not?
i know tb'n from wp hc server. he is just frickin' good tho. i'd put my shirt on that man.
are you talking to me or 'joe!' ?
if you are talking to me, check the GuID or my ip, I never got banned before
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