I, myself and me


Retired Member
Jul 6, 2008
I'm not active in forum anymore, and it had been ages I played any kind of game. I don't have much free time. I have successful career, also looking for someone to live with for a longer time (tired of being single ;)) Hence, I think, its time to move on - to be sincere, it is hard to write these words :/

I have been in this clan since its very begining, its huge part of my life, in some or other way, it did shape my life and decisions I've made. I will never ever forget about it. I had great time, ups and downs, hours of fun! It IS a great feeling of being a part of something bigger, watching how it thivers and grows. Whatever you consider World Mafia, for me it was and still IS a family! I meet dozens of great people!

heh, if I start thanking to all the past and current members, I would write a book in here ;)
So...I hope you will not feel offended or anything, but I will thank only one person.

Thank you Subhan Mirza for all the time we had been together in World Mafia! I know you supported me many times, and in some cases even prevented kicking me from the clan ;D I regret only one thing: we did not meet in real life. I hope one day we will change this. :)

Thank you World Mafia!

Spam ;)

Well, we've had our fights in the past but we also had ''nice'' moments so I truly wish you the best of luck and that you'll find that special lady which you're looking for :) bye menc.
stop naming topic with me myself and i combinations egobrain! :P

if u leave WM ill wont have any challenger for the spam award, its going to be boring over here :D
have fun with ur taiwanese life and make a lot of yellow children! keep on touch on fb, ill be poking ur ass till the day the will shut down fb servers :P
cu kurwa
I guess this means you won't be visiting forum often from now on?

I haven't played any games for almost 6 months now (except 1 week break I spent in Spain) and I dont think I will be able to play in at least the next 6 months (except a bit in Christmas holidays :P ). By the time I may be able to play again SWAT will probably be REALLY dead and COD4 was never much of my interest. But as you said WM is something bigger than a gaming clan, at least for those who have been here sharing good moments for years.

There is people joining and leaving all the time. People who join and suddenly disappear. It will always be like this as long as WM stay active in some games. But what makes WM what it actually is, a family, is the people who have been here for long time. Some don't play any game anymore (Myself, yourself), others moved from Swat to cod (Bean...) some are enjoying their last hours of swat together but will probably never find another game to play for as an active clan member (Sabbath, Michal, Charfire...), others directly joined as COD members and have ups and downs in their gaming activity as well as the clan, but I'm pretty sure they would never switch clan despite all the choices that COD offers (Jetson, Casper...), some went inactive long time ago but will always feel WM as something own, and from time to time they show their asses, because a family is forever (Filix, Virus, SBSP, DG, Li...). And hopefully many who read this, are just here to play a game and at some point they will lose their interest in playing, but will keep the interest in WM and its members.

And with all this, I just mean that you better hurry up to meet Krazyfire before he gets married and starts to gain weight again :P

Good luck with your life, do not forget WM and come visit us from time to time!

I may accept your facebook friendship invitation some time to check how many charfires have you procreated.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
I'm fairly new so I don't know you that much, but you've been fun in this time :D so good luck on your path. good luck with your soulmate search and have fun, salud!

May the shadows never find you!
Menc have fun i hope everythink is going good for you,sometimes try to join forum to have news about you ;)
Anyway We make together on the most funny topics :D
ps.Dont make little Mencs asia dont need them :P :P
ahhh sad to hear man, i liked ur style, always aside, never mainstream. Hope u didn't felt offended by me when i took you as a jerk example, wm will miss you,

gl to what ur looking for, especially a woman, cuz finding the right one ain't easy.

Im going to miss you a lot loved every bit much playing with you thanks Michal. You were one the first 10 people to join wm its been great 7 Years now getting to know you and spamming with you. I hope we will meet soon maybe my trip to China i can take 2 days out to go to taiwan :P. Please continue posting :( or the forum will not be the same again :( without your presence of spam

Thanks and have fun hope you find your soulmate like i found mine and hope she keeps you happy
Good luck. 50 % of thais have tuberculosis other 50 % hiv so remember to fuck those who cough
GL in everything Menc we won't forget u and ur spam ;)

Hope u can find a girlfriend and post her pic here hehe :D