I,me,myself part 3

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menc that book is a great idea! write in polish and let experts translate it in english ;)
anyway it will be pain in ass for u for a lpng time and then it will be a flop as all the others books written by students :P
well good luck :D
The best thing concering above opinions is, I totaly don't care about them; nor negative nor possitive. Otherwise I would have to be an average without ambitions, plans, new ideas what to do in near, mid and long term. I'm just doing my job. Mayby my english has few or more flaws Xavii, but there is big diffrence between me and you: with my average + TOEFL 96 pts + book + MA thesis, I won't have any problems getting to any Uni at UK or US for PhD contrary to you (if you have any ambition to achieve PhD lvl).
The best thing concering above opinions is, I totaly don't care about them; nor negative nor possitive. Otherwise I would have to be an average without ambitions, plans, new ideas what to do in near, mid and long term. I'm just doing my job. Mayby my english has few or more flaws Xavii, but there is big diffrence between me and you: with my average + TOEFL 96 pts + book + MA thesis, I won't have any problems getting to any Uni at UK or US for PhD contrary to you (if you have any ambition to achieve PhD lvl).

The diference between me and u are not our study results nor our plans for the future. Because you dont know mines. The diference is that you post yours and I dont post mines. I encourage you to keep trying your best with your studies, then u may get as far as u wish.
hahaha great answer javier! looks like u menc need to post them here to prove u are better than us ;)
lol Menc, I hope you didn't think that you would get out of this without being trolled, did you? :D
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