i m leaving cod, little thinking for u all ;)


Honorary Member
Sep 23, 2010
ok so for work purposes i decided to uninstall cod + xfire cuz i m a geek !! and i needa work it's way more important...hope u understand that...

krazy thanks for everyting u ve been a good mate durng all these years

salmon i ll come visit you some day to holland, gotta take ur facebook or sth mate and let's keep in touch ;p

euska et origine mes petites biches je sais que vous allez devoir faire mon deuil hahaha nan jdec on reste en contact

kakash i love you mate, whatever people say about you being boring, it's been a lot of fun!

DG cya polish bro, don't drink too much zubrowka m8 ;)

stoner i m happy u stopped smoking, and u found a job, wish u success

Bean i really hope u get better and thx for being so cold hahahahaha ;p jk

miss u improved in cod keep going !

Filix hax off mate :D ^^

Casper find a girl u ll see life will get suddently better haha !

Michal Xavii Virus and Sabbath u improved in cod, and i wish i played swat with you guys, maybe in another life ;)

well for all that i forgot (included non WM guys) i m sorry and i wish u all the best, don't forget life, game's eat you m8s and have a big fun with WM family!!!

btw i ll come from time to time to the forums, PEACE

i just hope you were crying when you made post :D anyway good luck in your real life, it's hard to take these decisions but i guess it's for the best, cya around soon dude :)
Sad to hear that news. Especially, as I know you are one of the best players in cod4. Maybe not unistall the game, just limit the amount of hours you spend on it ;). Anyway ofc good luck with your work !
Nooo dont leave :( but i cant stop you life comes first i can understand that.. I wish you all the success in life i will miss you lots ingame and on xfire also i know many public players will miss you too :( . Whenever you wish play games again always remember your always welcome here your gaming family WM . See you chaud bébé :)
Take care visit us sometimes and if you become ritch donate some euro for server ;)
Bonne chance Ryu, je me rappelle qu'on a passé pas mal de temps sur CoD
il y a quelques années déjà mais c'était vraiment sympa.

Je te souhaite le mieux pour le rl. ;)

A bientôt
Thats sad :(

But i undestand you mate. There are many more important things than PC games. I also dont have time for playing now coz of work, house building and weding. You made mature decision. Game is addicting and it never helps in improving our real life. I hope you will visit us often coz i never grow up and still be here :)

Cya bro ;)
u havent greet me lil bitch :P
im sad too coz i had a lots of fun with u and u even helped me gettin a bit better n i appreciated that a loooot!!
have fun in ur life n success even thou the best time of ur life is the one uve spent here in WM :D
hope to talk to u once more b4 u leave n wish u all the best!!
bb m8
What can i say.. u didnt even mentioned me :(

Gonna miss you very much

no more wins on Cod4 wars..
well mate it's drastic decision but sometimes needed. Good luck in RL, I hope u will stay around forum and in facebook WM group.
yeah i m sorry i didn't forget you deviiz and jetson bro's no worries, just too hard to say bye to you both hahaha ;)

btw course xavii i stay on facebook + forums i m just out of gaming, i keep participating at the clan life from outside :P
:( ryu... i can understand ur decision coz in those days i am quite busy 2 and i have no time to play...so just have a good time out of game and when u want to relax for some time here we are^^
nooooo ryuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.noooooooooooo.

take care dude. we are ganna miss you. when you wanna come back you are always welcome.