I have BAN

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I know how to play, and it may be strange but this is my tactics and everyone thinks it Cheating, no I have not proved
akbar is Krazy :)

I wasn't there today to see his ban, but I know jebie's been on this server for a long loooong time, and I've never seen him cheat soooo if he decided to cheat now he's really stupid or he's innocent. Up to the admins, sorry man :)
Gotta wait for krazy to reply here. jebi always been a rather mediocre player, not really exceptional but he got accused quite a few times recently, maybe he started cheating, who knows.
I wanted to play as usual over the weekend because a week I do not have time for games (work, etc.) Always much I scanned through the walls, because it is my tactics but to some kid did not like it and wrote it Cheating, Akbar as you see it enough that someone will write I have cheats and immediately hangs bans without thinking.
Jebie w denko means "facepalm". Jebievdenko sometimes is annoying others with binds (kicked few times for that) but sure he is not cheating.
Just because you do not Cheating got banned for 2 hours of Akbar and after a while I got a perm ban from JetsonRay'a
Where is the logic?
He would have banned U permanently in the first place, but he did the wrong command, i only finished what he started, as i trust him 100%.
There is no need to add anything untill akbar (krazyfire) comes here and replies, exposing his reasons
Jetty not understand you, after all if Akbar wanted to give me a perm ban it would do at any time, would not have to serve to you.
Jetty-odd translation, incomprehensible to me

It looks like that to banning it but everyone is first unban it is no longer who!
Despite any evidence, and the "defense" of other users
JetsonRay said:
He would have banned U permanently in the first place, but he did the wrong command, i only finished what he started, as i trust him 100%.
There is no need to add anything untill akbar (krazyfire) comes here and replies, exposing his reasons
Akbar wanted to give you permanent ban, but he used a wrong command, so I did it
Ok here what happened was playing and ducking out of nowhere last round last man alive killed 4 guys 1 guy behind wall camping no noise etc etc everyone complaining and his smug attitude before was horrible just temp banned jetty my bro banned perm sorry about that anyway unban him 2 hours enough
I understand that the game is not allowed to kill. Sure you have to stand and watch what others are doing so I infer from your statements Krazy. I killed 4 players in the round of all the scanning because I have such a tactic (the more nervous it was on the map District (Citystrits) where a scan for me is the key!)
as krazyfire said i will unban you as soon as our servers will be back online. be aware that we will watch you closely from now on
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Watch and admire, you can always check the screenshots of the PB, but you will not see anything there because I never cheating and I'm not going to do that!
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