How you doin'?

Apr 5, 2014
^ Joey from Friends.

Hey peeps, Im Mad Doge. Im not really mad, only in the morning, noon, afternoon and night.
Im 19 years old, my real name is Arbnor (You might have a hard time pronouncing, but its cool)
Im born in Kosovo, but I've lived in Denmark since I was 5.
I used to play alot of CS 1.6 in my early days, but stopped since my friends did. Played alot of CSS aswell, and now we're at CSGO.
Played many other games such as WoW, Diablo 3, LoL, Dota 1-2. But I guess you couldnt give less fucks about it.
Currently Im in school, soon finished.
I dont do much in the weekdays besides playing and chilling with da familia. On the weekends I also play but mostly I go out with my friends to drink some beer or whatever in that category.

Dont know much else to say...
Come hang out in the TS or in CS and you'll get to know how retarded I am eventually.
Below you'll see a picture of me.
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Reactions: KrazyFire
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Reactions: Linu
omg omg omg he said he likes me *.*

welcome bro nice to ceeee you here :D
yo ma doge!
nice to see you here! I think the most of us like you really except me. hahah just jk.
Welcome nd we hope that we see you with the WM - Tag soon!
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Reactions: Ryu
Omg you guys so cute.
Much love, very hugs, such kisses, many happy.
Kiehs, I dont like you man.... I dont know why you keep thinking like that..
Arrogant piece of fuck.

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Reactions: Linu and KeYeS
hey ho, I remember you/
Welcome into our fag-hole.

P.S. Can someone explain me sense of this meme with dog? Looks like I'm out of today's internet mainstream.
Congratulations! You've been accepted as recruit! After around 2-3 weeks, we'll create another poll, this time for full membership.

Since in CS:GO the tag is based on Steam Groups, there won't be any |wm| or |WM|REC|, meaning that you can wear directly our tag.

We'll keep in touch! Congrats again! :)
Kiehs is a scumbag. I love him for an eternity but he's just meh.

Thanks Emo!
It is highly appreciated and I enjoy playing with you guys. (Even though you dropped me 2 ranks).... :rolleyes:
I'm excited to play more and more with you guys and maybe one fine day, we will be at the top!
Veeeeeeeeeeeery excited ;)
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Reactions: KrazyFire