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Jul 16, 2019
Im new here, i want to join your clan.
Please accept me and make me vip pls
Or admin so i can make myself vip
Ok bye

  • What is your in-game name? → Sinaas
  • Which games do you play and for how long? → swat, im new to the game. I have cs etc as well, but never play it. And overwatch ofc
  • Where are you from? → Netherlands
  • How old are you? → 28
  • Do you have a Discord account? If yes, what is your profile name (with discriminator, for example Someone#1234)? → Sinaas#0725
  • Do you have a Steam account? If yes, what is your profile URL? → yea url will cum later
  • Do you have a microphone? → uh yea but im shy according to some
  • How many hours you spend in game per week (average)? → enough
  • In which clans have you been before? If yes, why did you leave them? → MYT & AE
  • Anything else you want to say? → im new but radar works fine so i can be good
Overwatch player > denied instantly. I don't know why the bot didn't deny it automatically, it must be a malfunction, it's a serbian bot afterall...

Haha, welcome m8y! That's some good news to start the day!

Sit tight and we'll let you know when YOUR POLL IS DONE.

XOXO :PepeHeart:
hej sinnas I saw u on server with our second tag, dont use it next time wn tag or kik.
It's better |WM|:PepeCool:

welcome here CHOCHO
hy, welcome m8y. glad you applied! i never thought i'll see the day :D

As a formality, the poll to full membership will run 2 weeks and management has decided to give you trial tag already so welcome to the family

See you around ;)
I think you posted in the wrong forum m8y, Overwatch divsion is two blocks down ;)

Also, welcome and good luck on the poll!

Hope to see you playing on our server again :D
Hey there
Happy to see u applied mf, welcome to our niggers paradise. lets hope this overwatch thing will not screw u :PepeSmug:

stay active plz, we love u around
-Finished army service
-Turns on PC
-Sees Svetlana and Sinaas as WM members
-Double check if I am on the correct website
-Closes PC
-Joins army again

On a more serious note, welcome both of you glad to see more people in the clan.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Hell_Angel
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