Hi all


Oct 15, 2013
U re grandfather is back....but u re probably too young to know me....
I see few old players here and i m really happy to see u again
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: BixMypoppysop
Hi, old member I guess? I have been here only for 4 years or so. :ph34r:

Wait for Krazyfire, mencjusz Bean or Virus to show up :D
yes i m old member. one of worldmafia creators with menc and krazy.
in this time i was ranked on first place on VIP mode on swat 4.....but i ve probably lost all my skills.... :(
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Marlboro
I remember you :)

When I was joining WM it was in a bad condition and as I remember you left and joined ESA.
lol man u joined ESA they were not even the compentece xD :D

Btw hi nice too see a old member come to salut :P
Gumias said:
lol man u joined ESA they were not even the compentece xD :D

Btw hi nice too see a old member come to salut :P
Well back then the Titanic was sinking and those bitches were leaving the board like rats :D
ye I remember you. I think we also played some WM swat wars together back in the days B)
Yep I finally finish my studies and I m just installed.
I'm generalist doctor.
I ve not played scince many years and I m glad to be back.
And to see u olds m8
damn me, Kiki with his bass voice. Until I heared you at the teamspeak I though you are female :P

How have you been doing all this time?

btw. some gay change his status to legend.

uhm, so from the first team it seems we lack 1ofakind and the guy/girl from US (not flashbang) to make the old times back :)