Hi all from Gunmaster :-)

May 18, 2020
Hi all,

Im Gunmaster, used to play Swat 4 years ago, VIP Scort at WRS server.

Nice to play again and see old members.

I will be playing at your server, hope yo be respecful and kindless.

See you there

Hey Gunmaster, man! How are you? How's your family? I miss all of you! I see you already joined our Discord, so we'll catch up there :p.
Hey Gunmaster
I was soo Happy to meet you at the server yesterday
You kept your skills quiet trained !!!
Hahahaha sorry Mary, my memory blacked out! Join our Discord or add me (EmoPig#5919), we can talk there if you want :p.
Hahahaha sorry Mary, my memory blacked out! Join our Discord or add me (EmoPig#5919), we can talk there if you want :p.
Dont worry, give me one more week of training , and i will make you remember :eek:o_O

btw - i dont think i will become a big fan to those emojis in this forum...