Hi all :D


May 26, 2013
Hi guys,

I don't know how many of you saw me in game, anyway im Ale and i play on the hardcore server.
I just created the account on here, and i returned to play cod4 after 1 year and half.

My name is Alessandro e I'm 17 and I live in Italy. I like to stay with my friends, and sometime we go also to the cinema.
I do not play only cod,I play also Doom on Zandronum port(a multiplayer port)and sometime RuneScape.
Well... see you in game :D

P.S:WM guys are very funny :D
Hi don't eat carbonara Jetty eats thats heavy staff and look at him he is so gay :)
JetsonRay said:
carbonara is awesome!
skylin3 said:
I knew already u guys like this kind of pizza :D
