Hey guys


Oct 25, 2012

Im Wolv from the e|K. Gameservers and i just wanted to say hi to you guys/girls.

I'm from Holland, 18 years, male. The games i play are Call of Duty 4 and Battlefield 3.

I play quite alot on your hardcore snd and promod server ( under different (fun) names though) Carezillox, |Carbon|OrAnGe, SouffchelsU.

Your server always seems like a fun enviroment to play at. There is a different rule setting then the e|K. gameservers, but that difference is nice on occasions.

Just wanted to say that WM members are nice people which whom you can have a good laughter with.. and yeah ill probably see you guys/girls on the server ^^


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Reactions: KrazyFire
Hello Wolv!

Yes I remember Carezillox nick! :)

Glad to hear that, hope to C you on our servers in the future!

Welcome to the forum! HF :D
Hehe, yeah im sure we will see eachother soon, am recovering from an operation atm but i will play sooooooooon.

btw ADO Den Haag rulez xD