hey fellas

Congratulations, you were accepted as trial. I removed epic tag from display name, but your login name wasnt changed.

For your trial, be active on forum, teamspeak and servers. Good luck!
Xavii said:
Congratulations, you were accepted as trial. I removed epic tag from display name, but your login name wasnt changed.

For your trial, be active on forum, teamspeak and servers. Good luck!
thx guys for accepting me as trial
Xavii said:
Btw, since you are from iran, i hope we the gays are not a problem for you...
lol good point, maybe mahmood ahmadinejad doesnt like gay people but i do :)
Hi Ben. Tell us sth about living in Iran now. Im going there next year on motobikes wit my crew.
uGa said:
Hi Ben. Tell us sth about living in Iran now. Im going there next year on motobikes wit my crew.
hi uGa what do u want to know dude? ask me i will tell u.
Tell me pls about situation and attitude towards tourists. You know from media we can see only screaming people on the streets. And you have still embargo. We are not going there with yellowcake :)
lol dude its actually pretty normal for tourists , its just abit hard for girls in iran , and also people are nice with tourists , u r not gonna have any problem if u dont drink alchole , but lately becuz of economy u have to watch ur pockets but ive been to countries like malaysia , we might diesnt have fancy buildings and clean streets like there but poeple are nice.
and also poeple in street doesnt look like mahmood ahmadinejad and other politicians of iran , poele are diferent , u will see when u get here