Hey all =)

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Oct 10, 2012
I'm NNFH|Sraizo, i'm 20 year old student, I live in a town located in the suburbs of Paris, and I love COD4 :) I play on your server WM :) and e|k server. Play only S&D, and my favorite drink is Rum coke x) ( havana club :P )

I'm "good" player not hacker :P
did i ban you today? ..oh yes..

if you arent a hacker why are u in a banlist?

ur guid: ff3fcb203900c4b2f8f7e2bf9cf7b435


and you played this afternoon with a obvious WH in our hc server (all pplo saying you wh off) and then you come here, pffffff.
  • L (D) i k e
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:o ? I didn't know.. Never cheating ! Maybe i have bad files in my computer :P No,.. realy,.. i'm not a cheater, It's a pity, i like your server :(
Thank you for the information :)
I understand, if marked on the list, one less player that will do nothing on the server.
bye =)
looooooool! Best excuse ever :D "my bro tried cheats on my pc" is nothing compared to this :D
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