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Who was on server when u got banned?

btw the Si**** confused me earlier too :D
sorry ich weiss nicht was ich getan habe ich wollte doch nur auf diesen server ich weiss nicht ob meine staats für mich sprechen aber ich denke das ihr so kulant seid mich anzuhören ich spiele immer fair und ich weiss nicht wo das problem ist bitte helft mir ihr seid doch genau so anständig wie ich
Hey Mates! Iam Roxtar! Oggy tells me that he has been banned from your server! Plz unban him coz he loves the Mafia Clan and the people who played there! If I can i played 2 on your server! When its not full! :D

KK see ya and have a nice evening!

Gr33tz Roxtar
kk fine! Krazy U R my mate! kk! see on your server next time!

i gonna rape uuuuuuu *muuuuahhahahahahah*

Silver said:
and m8 use german if u want, we'll find someone to translate (me, carl, coop, google, ...)
Li___ said:
wtf ? u want to be banned on forum too?
i asked him to tell it in german cause his english sucks ...
he told that he always played fair, that WM is his favourite server and that he doesn't know why he got banned.
Haha :D well I didn't see you before..I don't think? but it seems sorted now ;p
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