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Retired Member
Apr 26, 2020
Application form: What is your in-game name? → Diplodocus
Which games do you play and for how long? → Swat4
Where are you from? → Barcelona Spa
How old are you? → 31
Do you have a Discord account? If yes, what is your profile name (with discriminator, for example Someone#1234)? → IDK#9681
Do you have a Steam account? If yes, what is your profile URL? → No
Do you have a microphone? → Yes
How many hours you spend in game per week (average)? → 2/3h
In which clans have you been before? If yes, why did you leave them? → Us 1.0
Anything else you want to say? →
Hey! Welcome to forums!

Since we invited you to apply, as per procedure we will skip the trial poll and go straight to member poll. That will last couple of weeks and then we will give you results here. During that time you can wear out trial tag - |wm|. This will soon be reflected on forum/Discord.

Good luck (but I don't think you will need it ;) )

P.S. Didn't you say you played CS before? You should have a Steam acc then. In any case you should make it since it is our secondary platform. Give links here once you do and I will invite you to proper groups there as well.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Diplodocus
Hola Diplo bienvenido.

I havent anything to say, only I need a spanish report here, tired of these eastern european m8ys.

Buena suerte !!
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Diplodocus
Welcome and glad you took my invition to join WM ;)

Since we invited you to apply, as per procedure we will skip the trial poll and go straight to member poll. That will last couple of weeks and then we will give you results here. During that time you can wear out trial tag - |wm|. This will soon be reflected on forum/Discord.

This, and poll will end in 2 weeks so good luck!
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Diplodocus
Diplo be like:
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: TCR
Hey again Diplo,

I am here to inform you that you have passed the member poll. Welcome! :)

P.S. Please give me your Steam ID so we can add you to our Steam group as well.
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