

Retired Member
May 30, 2014
Hello I’m Bill, 24 year old postgrad from UK. My ingame name is Durden. I met many of the WM guys playing Swat4, when I was in 4U and ESA clan. I’ve since left Swat, looking for a newer shooter with larger community. I bought CS GO during winter sale and having played and enjoyed earlier versions of CS, I immediately got hooked on GO, in particular the match making feature. Previously I usually played solo or with one other friend on MM and the experience can vary between fun and frustrating depending on the random players we get matched with. I then figured the most enjoyable way to play MM is with a team you can depend on. After playing with WM members over the last couple of days I enjoyed the game more than I ever did. In particularly your teamwork and the easy going atmosphere on TS made the matches easier and much more enjoyable. I hope for more of the same in the future. Cya in game sometime.

steamid: wl1007
Hey there, welcome.

I got you already on Xfire I think, feel free to add me on Steam as well (id: linuxrs).

See you around mate!
Hey I played that game with you and kiehs a few days ago!

glad to see you here!

10/10 would play again.

welcome ;)

(PS #notthenewestmemberanymore :lol:)
Oooo hey bro, happy to see you here. I hope to play with you sometimes, ill add you on steam shortly ;) And welcome ofc :)
Durden, we have accepted your trial application.

We would like to change your forum nickname to Durden, if you dont mind?
Durden said:
Durden is fine mate, cheers :)
Done. It's just to make it easier for everyone. Forum nickname = game nickname. We are many people here and it can be confusing otherwise, specially for future new members.

Log in name is still Billd89