
  • Thread starter Thread starter Merlin
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Just thought i'd introduce myself cause i applied and wanted to add more

i used to play on WM server regularly until i stated playing promod scrims etc, didnt realise u had a promod server till recently tho so ill be on that a lot :D

basically im looking for a clan cause i like playing in clan wars, my last clan didnt do any wars or scrims, so even if u only do 1 a week thats more than my last 1 -.-

skillwise i used to be very good, these days im still okay so i have no worries there, im also good at training other people making them better with nades, smokes, aiming etc so can help ppl out maybe.

i play regularly and have 6years of admin experience, have had my own clans which were popular and been in some good scrim clans, can give good suggestions on website ideas and recruiting all that kinda thing.

i live in UK and am 20, and would love to join WM so please accept my application so i cna prove myself as a trial! in my last clan (ARES) i made them a promod team, gave good ideas for website and such so i always try help as much as i can, i was kicked out tho as they have some hackers who they were not willing to get rid off and didnt like anyone saying otherwise, so in the end it wasnt for me and after all my work for them ended up getting kicked but it shows i stick by my values and opinions at least! :D


hey and welcome merlin :)

on a side note (nothing against you personaly) who gives admin to a 14 yo? o_O it's like giving a chick drivinglicense - it's bound to fail! (hihi)
well when cod4 first came out a lot of people who started clans were only 13,14 :P we were all stupid with rcon pass tho lol but it worked out eventually xd