Hello There


Retired Member
Aug 26, 2011
Well 1st ban me for double post in this section, I had an intro somewhere but too lazy to bump it!

Im 25 from nuclear country, iran :D living at the capital city. I like to watch movies and listen to cool music. Im also a series addict!
I also have a lil cute son, he likes to bite new clothes and disappear under my bed!

Ive been playing swat4 for 3 years or so. Me and my mates had so much fun in KL, hope that will continue here.
and I love ur spam area! I think ur spam king will have a serious rival soon!

if u have more questions, feel free to add me on xf : missvampire1988
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu and KrazyFire
welcome here girly! cant call u missy since that was another ex member, but if it really means a lot to u then ill do that! :D

MissVampire said:
I think ur spam king will have a serious rival soon!
ive been spammer of the year twice, soon to be the biggest poster in here: im not afraid@luke skywalker

anyway show me what ya capable of!

As a gift you get a random cat picture.
KrazyFire said:
Haha miss can't spam like Ben he is my bro
ben aint nearly close to me, if she cant catch up with him then im already disappointed!
ill teach u miss how it is done :D
Holy crap miss, seems like all these boys are horny for you :S
I guess i should start saying im a female and see how stupid ppl start to act =D
SiberianHusky said:
Holy crap miss, seems like all these boys are horny for you :S
I guess i should start saying im a female and see how stupid ppl start to act =D
Hey, wanna share pics? Are you blonde? swedish are blond!

hya miss! keep the server lagging :D
no wonder ur son bite clothes since u are a vampire urself.

welcome onboard, enjoy ur stay!