Hello Thar


Apr 11, 2013
Hello there ladies and gentleman. I am Kibbles, most of you will know me if you play on the hardcore server, I know Krazy definitely knows me ;).

I am 20 years old currently studying Creative Writing & English Language at York university. I have been playing CoD4 since its release and have been playing competitively in both the hardcore and promod scene. I have attended a couple of LANs i37 & i40. At i37 we dropped out in group stages with having dignitas in our group back in their glory days. At i40 we got through to the knockout stages but our captain decided to drink a whole bag (yes bag) of cider and was in turn violently sick. Both of these LANs i went with smart gaming under different names. i37 was with smart and i40 was with insane ingame.

I know that I have been banned from the hardcore server a number of times and have had a clash of heads with a number of admins in the past as well. I hope now that i have developed a number of relationships with the admins and I felt that with how much i play on the server that i might aswell attempt to join the clan.

See you on the server - Kibbles x o x o
hey kebabbles :) official welcome: "Welcome"

good luck, you have my vote, mate :D
eyo kib, so u decided to give it a try. no more competitive gaming? ;)

welcome here and gl mate;)
ah damn it, i thought you're not gonna like it :D i guess i'll stay on kebabbles x)
damn it jetty :D every word I say, every action I make i'm wannabeing someone :( i'll create a new word and then you'll be wannabeing me! MWAHAHA