FiliX78 said:
[19:09] misio26: hey
[19:09] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: hi
[19:09] misio26: i got problems
[19:09] misio26: agian
[19:09] misio26: cant join
[19:09] misio26: server
[19:09] misio26: told me im baned
[19:09] misio26: ;/
[19:10] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: maybe server is full, did u try when server was empty?
[19:10] misio26: yes was 15/16
[19:11] misio26: and i click first refresh
[19:12] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: server list is almost NEVER showing real numbers
[19:12] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: use xfire to check servers, add WM svr to favourites than u can see it
[19:12] misio26: maybe but when its full then u cant even click buttion ' anter'
[19:13] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: no need to explain me ...
[19:13] misio26: just tolding you
[19:14] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: server list sometimes shows 16/16 when there are only 12 players in => u cant enter => use xfire
[19:16] misio26: nop ;/
[19:16] misio26: dosent work
[19:17] misio26: agian same
[19:17] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: send me ur ip
[19:17] misio26: mom
[19:18] misio26:
[19:19] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: u are not banned ...
[19:19] misio26: then i dont now what is going on okey ;(
[19:19] |WM|SilνετƘηίght: will post it in forum, we'll see