Hello From R.O.G.


Dec 20, 2014
Hey WM Family.

Since i started to play Cod4 again and i basicly play only in your server (couse it's the only server where cheaters gets detected fast and Admins are online quite often) i tought i introduce myself a little.

Name is JM.
Im 29 and i live in Estonia.
I play Online games since 2003 when Enemy Territory was launched. Game was awesome so we made many servers and gained lots of members not to mention some very good friends. I'v been running many different clans where i was Founder, co founder, Admin not only Server side but also Froum side. I have expierence with vBulletin only. When Cod4 was released we did made some servers as well but they were just emty like all the time so we didnt waste no more money on them but i do play Cod4 still just made a little break to focus on some family stuff...who has it knows that family always comes first!
I do play Battlefield 4 as well couse the graphic is quite good in there and ofc friends have it so i have to have it as well.
I do mention that sometimes my 7 yo kid is playing in your server too so if u see me with the score 10/30 then it's not me :)
I don't own a mic so can't really speak with you guys on TS (i really can't explane my wife why im sitting in a emty room and talking to myself :) couse she just dont get that kind of thing).

Can't think enything else atm but if u guys have some questions feel free to ask them i'd be happy to answer :)

Best Regards,

Speaking about Enemy Territory, I really loved Quake Wars that was released at 2007, hundreds of full servers, helis flying around, hogs trying to ram into GDF vehicles, with just 12 maps this game was never boring and always full of action, always looked for additional campaign though (3 new maps).
Then cod4 came few months later and took many of it's players hahaha. Now I only see 2 populated servers from gametracker, this game had it's good times, maybe I'll install it in one of the days hoping that downloading the 1.5 patch won't take years.

Welcome and have fun ;)