hello from Padrino


Apr 20, 2020
Hello everybody! Old swat4 player ex KL clan and ex WRS clan :cool:
I found a video on youtube with the Noob composition of KL clan and I start almost to cry :eek:

thanks to Infarlock 159 for the invite!
el padrino :cool:

Welcome back dude, I'll catch you up quickly in case you haven't heard.

  • KL merged with WM
  • New *SWAT 5* gaming coming out called "Ready or Not"
  • We still play almost daily
  • Visit our discord http://worldmafia.net/discord
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Hey there mate! Glad to see you around :)

If you are feeling nostalgic and have some spare time, hop in our server in SWAT4! We are playing every day nowadays.
Hey Padrino wassup, nice to see you here
I am TheHunter159 and the who invited you, we used to play together long ago, even in old KL if you remember over a decade ago
Come and and play with us, I bet your skills need a big refresh!