Hello 2 All


Aug 19, 2013
Hi all,

Im from Ci5 clan :) - Were a CoD4 clan only - We got few svrs up aswel a SnD and a TDM - Other than that we mostly play matches promod HC and even thou were a small clan we r also in 3 leagues AGs ATI and FLGL last 2 being played on custom maps - Came here 2 say hello as i gained a few WM on my xfire :D

Hope u lot are doing okay,


Heike/ |Ci5| Missy

Thanks 4 the warm welcoming :D

Had a look around and must say a bit of with the typical names rofl loveing it :D Not Always easy isit °_°

Nice work u lot doing, really is a GJ

Maybe if possible we can arrange a friendly match if any of urs r up 4 it.

Nice chat on TS Ghost, mite redo soon again,

take care all and see u around here or there or in battle :D

  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Punisher
hello, welcome to the forums, i heard of ur clan a few times before,

see ya ingame ;)
Today i learned you can type in colours on the forum, nice.
Welcome to forum... old missy or new missy? :s
Ryu said:
hello, welcome to the forums, i heard of ur clan a few times before,

see ya ingame ;)
Yea u mite have heard about us hopefully in a good context ^^ Ci5 is live over 13 years now :D I myself became 2 learn about WM coz manually banned players often saying 'got banned/unbanned on World Mafia aswell...'

TBerty said:
Today i learned you can type in colours on the forum, nice. Welcome to forum... old missy or new missy? :s

rofl sry cant help using the colours, i actually preview 2 make sure u can read it in the color ^^ And old missy feels a insult and new missy seems wrong ^^ But nope im not the missy from Spain who used 2 be WM and is seen every now and then on our svr being dodgy (she also has a banned guid if i remember correct ^^)

On a side note perhaps a match this Friday ? Would use Ghostwanted 2 sort it out, lets say 8.30pm UK (9.30 german time...) on promod Hardcore (not same as the promod softcore or so called )
Can also jump WM TS be4 the match to sort things out Ghost if u like and if this works out 4 WM 2 join the battle :D


i can testify 100% the spain missy aint cheating, but i couldn't care less if you ban her tbh.
Basically you can't do that Ryu... Who knows what she have done after she left but I don't believe it either that she would hack :D

Ci5 Missy said:
I myself became 2 learn about WM coz manually banned players often saying 'got banned/unbanned on World Mafia aswell...'
I know Ci5 too from people crying to me in srv sometimes "I got banned from Ci5" :D
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
Heyho Missy! Nice to see you here. The CI5 server has always been a nice alternative to me when the WM server is full. :)