He wants to kill himself...

i feel bad for that boy..god bless him and i hope he dont do anyting bad to him self..it would be FUN if that would be Joke but that boy is taking attention from Forum it means RL is really shitty for him..sometimes we need to drop our guard down and be kind to Family members and to other people :D WM is 1 big group my Friends and i Love u all in good way :D .....IM GETTING SOFTER DAY BY DAY LOL dont think im jerk
tell him the fillers of naruto are nearly over no need to kill himself its been pain for last 2 months but the season has just begun :D
this will happen to all Dekaron guid wars lineage league of legends etc players :D
In Tawain was a kiddo who was playing WoW like 6 days non stop without eating and drinking - he died
True story !!
and after this i should go there to kill his parents too.. they are the problem, not the kid.. fuckers
FiliX78 said:
and after this i should go there to kill his parents too.. they are the problem, not the kid.. fuckers

hmm fildix, kill his parents? one of the reasons he is in pain is because his MOM DIED! you don't need to kill her..
i don't think it's a funny post tho, it's sad man.

only funny part about it is that his name is JoninRaiden18

I'm glad some of those people really try to help him..
To be honest Im not rly to sensitive. This is like in nature Weak individual need to die
I dont respect weak people who wants to kill them selfs. All of us doesnt have easy life. I started adult life very early. I was 19 when my daughter born. I had no school, no job and the only thing i was able to do is playing guitar. ( not so good btw). And im still alive. Now i have good job pretty noce money. So the one who is to weak to live should die.
KrazyFire said:
tell him the fillers of naruto are nearly over no need to kill himself its been pain for last 2 months but the season has just begun :D
when??? and no spoilers, pls :D
Li i have my self have hard life and childhood..my body have lot of scars because my Real Father did beat me and burn me with cigaret..lot of violence..so i can think what that boy goes trougth, my parents have leaved me to strangers when i was tiny BUT thanks to God when i was 3 years old my real mother sister did took me and raised me up..but still i had lot hard times when i was teenager
exactly!!! i bet a lots of people have worse life then him and still wonna live.
everybody has got dificulties in own life time. some weaks choose to suicide. and it s not acceptable
Michal said:
To be honest Im not rly to sensitive. This is like in nature Weak individual need to die


btw, how is it possible, that ur still alive? :D
gosh Li Michal and SBSP guys u don't know nothing about psychology.i used to think that suicide is a coward move also but dudes, the main reason that pushes a human to suicide is that he feels alone to face this all. we can adapt to every kind of situation but true lonelyness kills, that's for real and that's no being weak.
Ryu said:
gosh Li Michal and SBSP guys u don't know nothing about psychology.i used to think that suicide is a coward move also but dudes, the main reason that pushes a human to suicide is that he feels alone to face this all. we can adapt to every kind of situation but true lonelyness kills, that's for real and that's no being weak.

but the way he feels he needs to face the fact on his own is because he doesn't talk to anyone? Perhaps if he gets some friends or talk with his family, i guess this could be sorted you know, life wouldn't be that hard.