HC Server maps


Honorary Member
Mar 10, 2012
Heya! I'd like to ask oneeeeeeeee little thingy.

There are 2 crashs in da HC server rotation now, Am I right? :) Could it be possible to turn the other Crash into WinterCrash? :D I think almost all the players would just luv dat! Some change for the "aaah shiet, again crash.." -What's the nextmap? - Crash...

And when the server was restarted, overgrown GOT deleted at the same time and ambush came back. I say: Screw ambush!
Dunno about other maps like Chinatown etc. I don't care are they added or not, but just to let ya know, people have asked about Chinatown and Greece or greece or whatever it is that are we someday gonna put 'em in the rotation... :D
chinatown never ever,overgroen and ambush situation should be restored has we decided last time (over in amb out) for wintercrash di guess it could be, is the same map, some more trees so i dnt mind wintercrash ;)
Y I don't like chinatown either so much... Overgrown must definitely be IN!

1 Crash out, second 1 stays and + wintercrash, it would be damn good :P
Wintercrash is christmas = yes
overgrown instead of ambush = yes
chinatown is a bad map = nooooooooooo
put creek in rotation = no comment

thanks to all !
I don't damn it get it that how come it's only on christmas time :D That's just so bad bullshiet, we have 2 crashs on the rotation so, the other1 cannot be winterCrash cause of it's summer now? That's gay :D

Lots of players are tired of crash, I believe winterCrash would bring some new excitements :)

Well.. I'm not gonna start arguing 'bout it anymore, so whatever :lol: