

Jan 29, 2014
Hey folks

My name is Miki and I am from Israel.
I am 19 years old currently "serving" for the IDF, already a bit more than a year.
Since I am far from home I am pretty inactive, but I am usually active on forums from my phone.
I am currently (Already for 2 month) causing the maximum trouble I can so they will eventually move me to a closer base where I can come home every day because I really want to play PC and get a new one, my machine is like 7 y.o, yeah, it's not the real reason but it counts, right?

The games I play other than swat are CS:GO, insurgency (the new one) and TF2
I also used to play CoD4, and I am not against playing it, I had a team there and we reached a med level skill.

One of my favorite games is ET:QW, at least when it was active, so much team work have been there on those huge maps and narrow coridors.

About swat4, I started playing at 2006, I think. A friend gave this game to me because he didn't like it.
I joined a BS clan called oOe (I still have no idea what does it mean) lead by someone named Jjthe3rd. I was a bad kid and used my admin rights against innocent people so I got kicked and just learn swat4, TSS came out so I played it too. After sometime I saw KL clan so I applied (it was like a year later) I got declined so I joined MoB, but it didn't feel like a clan, it felt very weird... So I quitted and applied to KL again where I got finally accepted (around early 2008) into a good loving people clan. This story is much shorter than what I have in my mind, laziness...

That's it, if you see me suddenly disappearing it means those ***** took my phone as a punishment.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
Hahaha, funny story man you seem like genuine nice person! Shame about your situation i guess you can play prank on people to achieve your goal even quicker :P
But Welcome here, nice to see you here too!
ברוכים הבאים!

Military draft? or did you choose to serve?

I was lucky cause they stopped it one year before i would have to go :P

welcome and take care of yourself!
Kiehs said:
Military draft? or did you choose to serve?

I was lucky cause they stopped it one year before i would have to go :P

welcome and take care of yourself!
Never chose to serve, At first I wanted to, but when I joined I discovered how bad it is.
Anyway, no one chooses to serve, girls serve for 2 years too (guys for 3)

Thanks everybody!
3 years? That's a lot! In Italy it used to be 12 or 18 months, now its not requested anymore! Imo its a time waste! 1 year is more than nuff to understand how it works
JetsonRay said:
3 years? That's a lot! In Italy it used to be 12 or 18 months, now its not requested anymore! Imo its a time waste! 1 year is more than nuff to understand how it works
I agree, you finish school at the age of 18, get about 2-4 month vacation and join the army.
They steal the best years of your life.
TheHunter159 said:
I agree, you finish school at the age of 18, get about 2-4 month vacation and join the army.
They steal the best years of your life.
nonononono swat is stealing the best years of your life :D
JetsonRay said:
How much U have left?
I joined at 15/11/12, but I was AWOL not long ago for 20 days so it's +20 days to serve, + day can add days if you are really bad.
But it doesn't matter, there is a base much closer to my house where I can come home every evening.
So I told them that I won't work nor do anything until they move me over there.

I studies in this base since the age of 14, and I wanted to stay there, so I can come home as often as I did at school.

So yeah, around 2 years.