great songs!

1 of the best game i ever play ;)

[ame=""]YouTube - MGS4 - Calling to the night[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Beyonce - If I Were a Boy (Official Video)[/ame]
zelda beats MGS

[ame=""]YouTube - Songs from Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time) on STL Ocarinas[/ame]

^^ not real songs, but I can still remember all these "songs" like i'm playing zelda right now ;)
i said i love musicals, and the following is one of my favourite songs, its a song from the musical Romeo and Juliet. when im listening this track, the hair stands up on all of my body(mostly when they sing togeter)!The blond is mother of juliet, and the other is mother of romeo! ;)

[ame=""]YouTube - Gyűlölet[/ame]
MGS ownz alll end off topic some musicals hmm
[ame=""]YouTube - Carl Orff: Carmina Burana[/ame]
French ;)

[ame=""]YouTube - Grégoire Toi + Moi MyMajorCompany[/ame]
Krazy u listen it before evry clan war? ;P

Euska here u got some french ;D

incredible beat. almost blow my LOUDSPEAKER in car ;P

[ame=""]YouTube - Booba - Boulbi[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - The Killers - Human Live at the MTV EMA 2008 (High Quality)[/ame]

amazingggg ;)
BEAN , i wanted to post it :)
Yesterday i was watching mtv ;) , and OMG at the killers OO , freaking awesome .
Euskadi said:
BEAN , i wanted to post it :D
Yesterday i was watching mtv :) , and OMG at the killers OO , freaking awesome .

yesss ;)) their performance was excellent! :yikes::79::79::79: