Graphics settings


Retired Member
Jun 23, 2013
hi guys,

i noticed lately my computer can handle alot, graphics wise.
If any of you know a few, or 1 command for the console to improve them, or post a picture of your settings that'd be great! :D

its a filmtweak jetson :D but it wont works on hc

if you want more fps try this commands

r_drawdecals 0

r_drawsun 0
(Disables the sun and a bunch of effects that is causes saving you a few fps)

r_drawwater 0
(Disables water effects)

cg_brass 0
(Turns off shell ejection. Not having to render them should send a few more fps your way, a good addition to your CoD4 config)

sm_enable 0
(Turns off unique Shadows ingame, it boosts FPS more than most commands)

r_cachemodellighting 1
(can add more FPS)

r_cacheSmodellighting 1
(can add more FPS)

r_aaAlpha 0
(remove the anti-aliasing / smudge effects, this can free up more FPS also)

r_texfiltermipmode 2
(Turns it to bilinear filtering, which should give you the best fps)

r_rendererPreference 0
(to use Shader Model 2.0 instead of 3.0 which will increase fps for those people using old videocards)

cg_blood 0

r_specular 0

sv_clientsidebullets 0
(you will not see tracer shots and bullet impacts + you must bind it on something /bind w "+forward;sv_clientsidebullets 0")

( next time google is your friend :D )
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu, jOe! and UFO
Haha my pc is perfectly fine, then just one last question which my big friend google cant answer, when i zoom in, in something like grass, ik focusses on the grass instead of de area around it, on my previous computer it didnt do that, does someone know how to fix this?
did them all, lem do u think that r_lodscaleskinned 4 is a good idea or it might be an "handicap" like hiding an enemy at far distance?

im so nab in those things :P
it only hides grass n stuff, you can still see players but its not allowed in promod btw :P
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu