APPROVED Got banned from competitive server

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Mar 30, 2015
Hi all!

Today i just got banned from the WorldMafia Competitive Server (128tick, Knives), due to "hacking /exploiting".
However, i have never ever used any hacks or exploits in CS:GO, so please unban my account, i really love that server.

Thanks in advance, my nick is mld in steam.
I've been there today, when it's hapenned.
Reason for your ban: Highly suspicious hit registration.

Players shot you in the face, back or wherever else and you don't get any damage from any gun at any distance.
I noticed it 1 time and thought it was lag or something, but then whole server confirmed, you don't getting hits from them.
Lately I personally saw from your cam how someone been shooting in you and bullets got trough. Other player literally spent whole AK mag in your back in 1m and you've got maybe 15 hp damage.
You can blame it on lag or whatever else, but I'm not the first time hear about this kind of "strange hit reg".
Probably our CoD mstes will enlighten us.

BUT since I've not recorded anything you will likely get unban. Be patient, we will discuss what to do with your situation
Yeah, i got it, but i did NOT use any hack, i don't know really what happened. Maybe the server bugged i don't know. I would get a VAC ban if i used hacks, but i would never use any.

Discuss it or whatever, but it's not the right way to act in a situation like this (ban the person permanently).
It could happen. I saw it few times on tdm servers. Player did not die like having god mode but it was a bug or sth. He was asked just to reconnect and everything was fine. One guy was so scared that he would be banned for cheating that he screamed "pls help me" :) After reconnect to server all became normal.
Yeah i thought the same, that it was a bug, and BOOM got banned permanently. :angry:
Yea, in CoD i would 360 quickscope that admin ^_^

Btw, still waiting for the judgement :rolleyes:
Ok. I personally think he can be unbanned.
I'm not enough experienced in CS GO to judge about people by 1 second: do they hack or no, like it was in old days in swat 4.
Everything could happened. Maybe rare bug.
I think we have to unban.
i agree with skan.

ive checked a bit into it and i cant find anything suspicious about it. The only thing i saw is that your ping is average 100ms which is kinda high and might explain that. Like skandalist said, we dont have any recordings so most likely you will be unbanned.
But yes that "godmode" excist sadly. Ive seen it myself already.

As you might know there are alot idiots and trolls in the cs:go community so bear with our admins please if sometimes there is a fast decision but sometimes thats needed
uGa said:
Game bug doesnt touch CS? Since when?
since gaben is ruling it :P

mld said:
thanks, i guess
Bans are lifted when the server gets restarted so make sure to check back tomorrow please. If there is something not working by then, reply back here
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