Got banned for cheating, please unban me.

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Feb 9, 2012
i got permanently banned from your Promod Server:
I think Kakashi banned me.
It would be nice if you could unban me because i really liked playing on this server, and im totally NOT cheating, just got lucky there.
Other WM-members may confirm that i´m playing a lot on this server and i never got kicked or banned.

  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: annimw
lol mate, luck is like santa.. doesnt exists (hope you already knew it) ;)
Even better for me, so it was pure skill, i should go pro :P.

Either way please unban me, spec me or whatever u need to see that im not cheating.
1st give us ur guid
2nd we have to wait the admin that banned u to check his reasons to ban u (he for sure banned u for a reason and we wanna know which it is)
3rd please be patience, we can try to help you, but it may needs some time.
ty ;)
Ok thanks for an useful answer.
Guid: e8af0ca2
Patience is no problemy your answers are already faster than expected :).
then i dont remeber ya man 2 many hackers on on those days anyway i usually am rly accurate banning and if i am undecided i dont ban anyone and other members can confirm it so if u are banned there is a reason
Maybe someone else banned me, just thought you were the only one online at this time with the right to ban someone. I dont want to falsely accuse someone for a wrong decisoin, i know that ist hard to tell sometimes. I just want to get unbanned because im not cheating.
Pls check my guid and unban me :).
That would be nice.
Let me know when u unbanned me, i wont do sth. wrong, didnt do it before.
Tell me if u need some ppl. for your cod 4 team, i will be there :D.

i´m playing a lot on this server and i never got kicked or banned.......

love me little,love me long!!
wowkacui pls open a new thread in this forum and wait till the admin who banned you answers. it would also be helpful if you can give us your guid and the nickname you used when you were banned
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