Good luck uGa

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Dec 25, 2012
I wish you good look on your way to proove I'm cheating. A while ago I made a little video. Not that the movie proove that Im not cheating now, but it shows you that I can kill, get high score and do some "strange" kills sometime. It also shows that I'm not cheating in that video.

It's recorded in-game and it's recorded with a DV-camera. The sound is taken from the in-game record and is synced as good as I could with the records from the DV-camera.

Like I said, this does not prove that I'm not cheating now, I just let you know that you will have to do some hard work to get me banned for cheating. It will be your full time job.

Is too old this video i watch players as beanie and jetty gay :D .
Are you banned for WH by UGA?
No, not yet. Guess it is just matter of time. He tells me I'm cheating. Today he actually told me I had my hack turned of, so that is a sted in the right direction, but he also said he will catch me soon :)

I don't care. Just gave him a little teaser ;)
If you don't want to get ban, then avoide provocations like that. Be calm and kind and nobody will ever think to hunt you. I'm not talking about ass licking. I disrespect that too. But posting stuffs like "haha, catch me if you can, loosers" won't serve you well. Even if you don't care about server, that's just uncool
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+1 SkandalisT. Cheating is not the only thing people get banned for and this topic serves no other purpose than to provoke.

Even if you aint a cheater, i still dont see the reason why you need 4 keys..... just saying.
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Maybe it is like you say SkandalisT, a "haha....". That is my one "haha...". uGa has many "haha I will soon catch you, cheater". That's not right to do as well. But don't take it wrong, I don't get hurt, only motivated.

What I mean is just that if you think I cheat, then watch me and shut up about it. Don't tell me I'm a cheater everytime I'm online, cause I know whats true about it. I don't need an admin to tell me if I'm cheating or not. If he said it once, okey, then I know he thinks I'm cheating. But why repeat it...

I understand you see this post the way you do. I could left it and played as usual, but I didn't. It was not to bring up a discussion whether I'm cheating or not, it was to say "please watch me, catch me if you can, but before you catch me, please shut it" (something like that).

I'm nice to all of you and not rude to anyone who aren't rude to me. I don't write a lot in the chat (well, sometimes after a few whisky).

In the end, yes I care about your server, I like playing there, I like most of admins who are kind and have fun, I just disrespect the same thing you disrespect.
What are you afraid Zet? Why are you so agrresive when someone tell you that you seemed to be dodgy? Because you are not clear. And you know that. Thats why you are attacking everyone who mentions that.
And one more thing "haha I will soon catch you, cheater" - not my words.
Like "haha, catch me if you can, loosers" isn't my words.

Aggressive and attacking, I don't know about that.

Keep on going uGa.
ZeT said:
Aggressive and attacking, I don't know about that.

Keep on going uGa.
ZeT said:
I don't care. Just gave him a little teaser ;)
I don't know you at all, but you are giving quite an ugly first impression there :D

You aren't the first nor the last person to be accused of cheats. You haven't been banned, so I don't see the point of this topic. Except to waste everyone's time :D
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