
Jan 12, 2011
Please watch out for this player on your HC S&D server today he got a score of 45-2 on ambush and 26-1 on district, he uses a sniper and just bangs walls constantly knowing enemy posistions ban him when you next see him or when u see him on the server spectate him and watch for yourselves!
i know all the wilds ;) they are very good players n they play lan aswell...
i dnt think he is a cheater but ill keep on eye on him aswell ;)
thx for reportin!
you need too watch out for that zar dude aswell - he's fckin awesome... he had 100000 - 2, only using knife... wallbanging...
hi all!!
i got a LMG sprayer noob, i said to him about 20 times dont spray, fckin stupid must be deaf or moron, his name is pirkavlos and his guid is 1bcd8ed2, ty
got another , in promod server, not sure he got wh, pplo said to me yes, but anyway he shots and uses in knife rounds, his name is oxygen and his guid is 5f0325a9 , cu
i was watchin him...i play a lot with him im ot sure he was hackin...smokin too had my same doubt