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VVarlord said:
I have just spoken to uGa about the situation as he was also present on the server at the time. He also suggested that in future we do as suggested by both Jimas and Tberty and join the same team.

I just hope we dont get accused all the time and that it doesn't result in a temp ban again.
Just saying, the "admin then had a mental breakdown" is referring to an admin of ours, if you would care to scroll up in those chat logs, I was explaining the situation with our own servers. No reflection on you, however you obviously though i meant you which means you are paranoid.

As for the "shitter dogs on a leach" you are 40 years old? and shitter offends you? uGa calls me shitter everyday, charme as well.

You really need to start acting your age.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
Also, something i forgot to add. Are any of these screenshots actually from the night in question?

I don't think they are.
Ofcourse is not =one day work...
JUST saw your comon behavor on our server ;)

And about my age have to respect me twise ...and grow up dont behave like a kid,
From what i see from the logs the kick was because of behaviour and not ghosting. Like i said above ghosting may be rather hard to prove but when an admin suspects you of doing it and asks you to go same team with you clan mates you must do it, so as he is 100% sure that you aren't ghosting!!!
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: damn
The first two screenshots were not from last night.

Last night it all started because he accused of ghosting.
Kibbles said:
The first two screenshots were not from last night.

Last night it all started because he accused of ghosting.
SG members have been arrogant and smartass towards me too.

UFO you can calm down as well. From now on watch the SG members for some rounds to make more sure before making your decision and then you can tell them to join in the same team. After some time you can let them go opposite teams again.

SG: Obey the admins.

1 server rule anyways is to respect your fellow gamers. If being rude towards admins / pissing them off on purpose, I don't care how long ban you get.
i don't wanna get this a drama but as i played much on the last days i feel like giving my opinion.

yep, SG can be cocky and sometimes act borderline, we already had an argue with Machine, gaz was flaming some pubber once, kib in general stay back and doesn't comment, but, well, we dealt with this. It is for sure necessary that you guys respect the admin's word, no matter what happenned in the past.

Ghosting? well its hard to spot and even if ur sure of it, u have to proove it.

U can't ask to a team to join the same side, for many reasons :

1) we are so used to press autoassign that even when we WM try to be in the same team we press autoassign like bot and forget what we said 2 sec earlier
2) there are many names for the teams (spec ops, sas, marines, enemy, etc) and u never know what map comes after so its hard to be agree on what team joining
3) if someone mistook and pressed autoassign for example, he wouldn't be able to switch if the opposite team has more players...what to do then?
4) like alex said u duno all SG members and they can join undercover. I don't believe that u ll stay out of gaming and compare the 17 SG guids with the server players.

Well UFO ur a young admin, no offense. Whatever ur age, ur game experiment is not as expended as u claim it to be and u are not used to be facing people ingame.

When u face a group ingame, things can pretty fast go out of control. So the first solution is to try to peace things out. U can tell them "come on guys i really don't wanna kick, be chilled and play in peace". If u feel like u loose control, you fix a limit, and if they cross the limit you /ban. That's the worse solution. Everyone flame in public, u gotta accept that. I may be calling everyone shitter, but when someone tell me "Ryu fucking son of a bitch" well i answer "rofl". I used to ban 2 flamers few days back, but i banned them cause they thought i wasn't admin and they thought whatever they do there won't be a limit, so they crossed it.

i point that out only to say that the 0 min kick is useless vs groups, because they re-join and make things worse...ALWAYS and no matter who started. So u rather ban and keep continue the argue on forums like it finally has been done.

About the spam thingy, well i didn't see spam i saw only 1 sentence...and tbh in HC the spam rule is bullshit. U can press a sentence only every 2 seconds, so unless the guy is spamming non stop binds the whole round, there is imo no point asking it to stop...1 bind / round even 4 is alright. If i kill 4 guys with deagle and bind "deagle bro" to each of them you would kick me? pointless.

in promod its usefull since u can spam much more.

well overall i wanted to point something else out of topic : when someone uses 3X frag or nade launcher, etc -> direct kick him so u can write in the reason : change ur class, 3 x frag grenade is not allowed!

the guy is outside, so he can directly change his classes and /reconnect.

if you warn them 3 times its a total loss of time, because half time he doesn't understand what ur saying, or he's playing and doesn't take care, or he just doesn't wanna change, etc. When he's kicked he knows what's the cost of keep using these perks and trust me its much more effective, particularly on shitters.

one more things to HC admins : the casual players that know the rules for a long time and chose to ignore it (6apjleu a.k.a TOMAC using GL for example) -> direct ban. They know the rules and try to break them...that's called troublemaking, and if its a mistake...well everyone know that u can apologie on the forums, so they ll come beg uncle C for an unban which they will ofc get if it was a mistake.

this huge post was the moment to say that i think we admin focus on non-important things and lose alot of time for matters that shouldn't need to, and we are not involved enough in the cheating matters, that are imo much more important.

cheers & no offense UFO

ps : this comes after Ceee statement, its just my opinion.
pps: UFO ddz was right to tell his opinion, and being in the same clan means being able to disagree and still stay together, not following what a member says whatever it is. we are free men, not fanatics.
Ryu i was realy kind and polite days ago just come the time the SG to face the truth and just all.
Can you prove me they are not ghosting?so never be sure,i protect other players at server as well from them as they use ghosting when they give up
about ghosting ofcourse they can play saperate.
(Well UFO ur a young admin, no offense. Whatever ur age, ur game experiment is not as expended as u claim it to be and u are not used to be facing people ingame)
Ryu about age i didnt speak first check again all what i have wrote.So about my game expirience you are not who judge me.about admin again ill tell you
im very old player and admin before you entry at the world of cod4.
I know you say all this thinks cause i said what i beileive about your (mentor) LEMONADE.

PS When you visit a home you follow the rules of the owner,and dont make the smartass with him.

(this huge post was the moment to say that i think we admin focus on non-important things and lose alot of time for matters that shouldn't need to, and we are not involved enough in the cheating matters, that are imo much more important.)
true, sorry for that, i don't know ur game experiment. I may be wrong.

i assume if u had talked with SG guys they d tell you they were in wm TS and u could judge by urself if they were ghosting or not.

well its only my opinion but all ur reactions (i m the rules) etc were....the reactions of someone who just got promoted. "i m the rule" has a one and only purpose in my opinion : make the kicked guys come back to argue more and more. In fact it's an invitation of flaming. same for "dog say bb to you" or "you win kick ! nice behaviour!" "i m not joke anymore" -> did u ever joked for the previous kicks"?

its like strikes slogans mate.

well its not a personnal vendetta so i ll stick to this...i just want you to wonder about it. Being admin is not fun, its a responsibility (I assume u had fun kicking them 3 times each)
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