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May 5, 2013
I have recently started playing on your server after coming back to call of duty 4 and until tonight i have been enjoying it

Tonight myself and a few of my clans mates have had to put up with constant accusations from public and two of your clan members to the point where UFO and uGa told us to join the same team or be removed.

I pointed out after joining you teamspeak and speaking to another member of your clan that there is no rule against being on different teams, when i pointed this out to UFO he removed myself and a few clan mates with the message "im the rule" as shown below.


I enjoy playing against my team mates and enjoy it being difficult i really wouldnt want to be told where the enemy is. I find it insulting that and disapointing that i cannot join a decent server such as yours and not be able to play against my team mates with out being accused of this.

I am not here to make trouble i am just here to explain something i find to be rather silly.

Also all of this happened between 9:45 and 10:30PM UK time, if you need to check your server logs.

All of this resulted in us getting a 60mins ban for staying on different teams.
If a member thinks your ghosting, you should join the same team whether you are or your aren't, Ghosting is against the rules.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: UFO
TBerty said:
If a member thinks your ghosting, you should join the same team whether you are or your aren't, Ghosting is against the rules.
Jimas has recommended this to me in future which I will make sure to do, but I am just so used to auto assigning and dont like to team stack.
First of all nice connection 250 fps stable :) You guys use ts on public to get some frags that's shame on you. So admin asked u to join 1 team... several times. And one of u wrote that some players are also SG which they are not. Means completelly disrespect. Your spamming chat ruin the game. Don't be angry for kick.
i have a plant of screenshoots with behavor until you make me kick you.I dont have time now ,ill upload screenshoots tomorow morning so be patient.
Pretty much Bullshit in that UFO, the two kicks and two temp bans...
I have never heard about a rule that 4 players in the same team/clan is NOT allowed to play in diffrent teams on the map. If it would be a rule, most of us WM players should get kicked when we're on the server. We are mostly on TeamSpeak aswell so why dont you temp ban all of the WM players? Also the part of they saying bad things to you was not true, I have nott seen the chat log or whatever it is called but SG Warlord is AN HONEST person so I trust him in the part of them using verbal language is not true.

All of your accusations are to me NOT legit because there was NO ghosting involved, that's for sure, I was a kind of a witness when I was on teamspeak with 1 of the guys playing (SG Warlord) and there were no such thing.
If you thought they were ghosting, give them a chance to prove the opposite, which they pretty much could have since SG Warlord and SG Kibbles was talking to me on teamspeak while this was happening. And afterwards explained what just happened.

In future let them at least prove the diffrence like this time you could have just connected to the teamspeak server and seen that they weren't ghosting. So too avoid these kind of situations in the future, GET PROOF.

Thank you for taking time reading this :)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
deadzjeh said:
Pretty much Bullshit in that UFO, the two kicks and two temp bans...
I have never heard about a rule that 4 players in the same team/clan is NOT allowed to play in diffrent teams on the map. If it would be a rule, most of us WM players should get kicked when we're on the server. We are mostly on TeamSpeak aswell so why dont you temp ban all of the WM players? Also the part of they saying bad things to you was not true, I have nott seen the chat log or whatever it is called but SG Warlord is AN HONEST person so I trust him in the part of them using verbal language is not true.

All of your accusations are to me NOT legit because there was NO ghosting involved, that's for sure, I was a kind of a witness when I was on teamspeak with 1 of the guys playing (SG Warlord) and there were no such thing.
If you thought they were ghosting, give them a chance to prove the opposite, which they pretty much could have since SG Warlord and SG Kibbles was talking to me on teamspeak while this was happening. And afterwards explained what just happened.

In future let them at least prove the diffrence like this time you could have just connected to the teamspeak server and seen that they weren't ghosting. So too avoid these kind of situations in the future, GET PROOF.

Thank you for taking time reading this :)
Thanks for support.ill answer to you to tomorow...
Im sorry guys for what happend. Lets kiss each other and we can go sleep :)
Those SG guys play alot on our server and most of the time they behave (atleast when im playing).

Ghosting is not a nice way of playing, but im sure they didnt, and even if they did, you cant force them to play on the same team, they could just change names and rejoin and ghost then if they REALLY want to.

And btw, they are on our teamspeak pretty often, you can join them and listen if you want i guess.
uGa said:
Im sorry guys for what happend. Lets kiss each other and we can go sleep :)
I have just spoken to uGa about the situation as he was also present on the server at the time. He also suggested that in future we do as suggested by both Jimas and Tberty and join the same team.

I just hope we dont get accused all the time and that it doesn't result in a temp ban again.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: deadzjeh
VVarlord said:
Jimas has recommended this to me in future which I will make sure to do, but I am just so used to auto assigning and dont like to team stack.
Hey all! I went to teamspeak and i heard that an admin made a bad decision! Being in opposite teams is not against the rules, ghosting is! Personally i am not quite familiar with the term as i said in TS but i know that ghosting is a bit off the limits which i didnt had in mind until now as a rule and i needn't had to apply! As an admin i don't easily kick or ban a person even for cheat unless i am 100% sure, as you all know! Ghosting to my opinion is a matter rather hard because you can never be sure if someone is doing it 100% and i personally wouldn't kick easily for this reason unless it was obvious for sure! On the other hand if an admin suspects you of ghosting and asks you polite to go at the same team with your clan mates just to be sure then it must be done, as i said in teamspeak, at least until you prove the admin wrong and he revokes his decision, because unfortunately that is the only way the admin can be 100% sure!
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
deadzjeh said:
Pretty much Bullshit in that UFO, the two kicks and two temp bans...
I have never heard about a rule that 4 players in the same team/clan is NOT allowed to play in diffrent teams on the map. If it would be a rule, most of us WM players should get kicked when we're on the server. We are mostly on TeamSpeak aswell so why dont you temp ban all of the WM players? Also the part of they saying bad things to you was not true, I have nott seen the chat log or whatever it is called but SG Warlord is AN HONEST person so I trust him in the part of them using verbal language is not true.

All of your accusations are to me NOT legit because there was NO ghosting involved, that's for sure, I was a kind of a witness when I was on teamspeak with 1 of the guys playing (SG Warlord) and there were no such thing.
If you thought they were ghosting, give them a chance to prove the opposite, which they pretty much could have since SG Warlord and SG Kibbles was talking to me on teamspeak while this was happening. And afterwards explained what just happened.

In future let them at least prove the diffrence like this time you could have just connected to the teamspeak server and seen that they weren't ghosting. So too avoid these kind of situations in the future, GET PROOF.

Thank you for taking time reading this :)
Grats on your 5th post btw! :D
yesterday night i was on ts too and thefe were kibbles and gaz, and they were not ghosting, they were insulting each other when one of em killed the other one! then i left coz i was tired and warlord wasnt there yet, but ive been on ts with em many times and they do not ghost. their playing style is a bit oriented to camp which makes ppl get angry with em but they do not cheat, do not ghost and do respect the rules. ive heard sometimes some verbal abuses from them but actually i remember only one of those was really rude. tbh i do swear a lot more than them :)
my suggestion is to all keep a bit more quiet and let the waters cool down for a while. lets meet half way!
each time i withnessed on ts they were not ghosting at all. being on ts while playing pub is nice coz u can joke upon ur friends id love to be on ts each time i play with some WMs in server, it really doubbles the fun.
i see no need for sg players to join the same team: i like most to kill my mates rather than play togheter ;)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: damn
just to put all thinks in a raw. (I enjoy playing against my team mates and enjoy it being difficult i really wouldnt want to be told where the enemy is. I find it insulting that and disapointing that i cannot join a decent server such as yours and not be able to play against my team mates with out being accused of this.

I am not here to make trouble i am just here to explain something i find to be rather silly.

Also all of this happened between 9:45 and 10:30PM UK time, if you need to check your server logs.

All of this resulted in us getting a 60mins ban for staying on different teams)Your behavor is the reason i kick you. And yes smartass are not good idea in our server.

1) Warlord Days ago you start to be smartass you and your friends..When you play at the server and you start to spamm stupid binds(i warn you stop spamm
please (1stime).2second time warn you again.YOU tell me is a rule?i tell you stop spamm so much.You tell me 2 is ok sarcastic and just spamm again,like this you win your first kick from me.And even days ago im warn you about ghosting...
2)We have disagreeend me uga and sg about ghosting one more time...and kibbles when join jetty thought is smart to say dont make the virgins i have never talk to you like this NEVER!!!
3)IS Again those sweety clan who come play and respect our
4You start to say bullshit to other players in our server for i get reason to kick them all this time i warn you ...clever gyes!!
5another clever behavor
7So SG gyes or repsect admin tell you waht to do cause i have to protect other players from you cause when we 16-18 people and you 4-5 person with ghosting you are about 1/3 of players online that moment you know destroy the game of all other players and leave the i dont care about you but about them first.
The fact about last night was we are at showdown map much is 6-7 and i make a message (Please all sg memebers at the next map all together in one team cause people growl.)you tell me is rule .Ianswer no but next map stay all together for people dont growl against you.again
You tell me no we will use auto assign.I told them no and at the next map to stay together.
Next map start ,they are seperate again.I warn them one more ..kibbbles or warlord tell me we ask a member of you and is not rule so we stay here..and just like this come this kick with that reason.Im the rule.
So the point is:Why when you visit a server dont respect that tell you an admin?Is dificult to change teams to stay together??Maybe im wrong(but im not)
but you dont have to be smartass with an admin.Until the time you make me trust you again you will play at the same team im very very old player so can understood who is ghosting and who is not.
So SG respect rules ,admins ,players, for you come and enjoy and dont scream like girls cause goona come again kick by me.
Ahhh somethink i just remember cause dont think SG i come like a storm ,i have ask allready about you and your ghosting our teamleader
and tell me if they are ghosting must be on same team.
So my decision is wise until you prove me you are not ghosting.
JetsonRay said:
yesterday night i was on ts too and thefe were kibbles and gaz, and they were not ghosting, they were insulting each other when one of em killed the other one! then i left coz i was tired and warlord wasnt there yet, but ive been on ts with em many times and they do not ghost. their playing style is a bit oriented to camp which makes ppl get angry with em but they do not cheat, do not ghost and do respect the rules. ive heard sometimes some verbal abuses from them but actually i remember only one of those was really rude. tbh i do swear a lot more than them :)
my suggestion is to all keep a bit more quiet and let the waters cool down for a while. lets meet half way!
each time i withnessed on ts they were not ghosting at all. being on ts while playing pub is nice coz u can joke upon ur friends id love to be on ts each time i play with some WMs in server, it really doubbles the fun.
i see no need for sg players to join the same team: i like most to kill my mates rather than play togheter ;)
Jetty mate how you can be sure they are not ghosting?cause ts?You was not online at the game for you know what they do and what they dont.I hope they are not so stupid to ghosting only from our ts server there is a lot other programs for that :P
deadzjeh said:
Pretty much Bullshit in that UFO, the two kicks and two temp bans...
I have never heard about a rule that 4 players in the same team/clan is NOT allowed to play in diffrent teams on the map. If it would be a rule, most of us WM players should get kicked when we're on the server. We are mostly on TeamSpeak aswell so why dont you temp ban all of the WM players? Also the part of they saying bad things to you was not true, I have nott seen the chat log or whatever it is called but SG Warlord is AN HONEST person so I trust him in the part of them using verbal language is not true.

All of your accusations are to me NOT legit because there was NO ghosting involved, that's for sure, I was a kind of a witness when I was on teamspeak with 1 of the guys playing (SG Warlord) and there were no such thing.
If you thought they were ghosting, give them a chance to prove the opposite, which they pretty much could have since SG Warlord and SG Kibbles was talking to me on teamspeak while this was happening. And afterwards explained what just happened.

In future let them at least prove the diffrence like this time you could have just connected to the teamspeak server and seen that they weren't ghosting. So too avoid these kind of situations in the future, GET PROOF.

Thank you for taking time reading this :)
Pretty much Bullshit in that UFO, the two kicks and two temp bans..
First im happy cause im the reason you come and join our forum .Second dude 60min kick is not temp enjoy more our server cause you forget who it works the wm server.
Third im happy again cause people trust other clan member and not the admin of him server,,,,clever thought to tell me bullshit UFO :D :D :D
5 post ??you must be tired to come here and talk with other wm members but its easy to masrurbate and play with the others of other clan...
You dont respect your home...Thats all :lol: :lol:
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