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But im talking about the ones that try to connect and then get kicked because their guid is banned on ggc ;)
Few more banned in last days:

ananas # tutto
danNy (CZ)
TaTarin 33 rus
Kaszpir (L)
IP man
Eagle Eye
HoOligan !
Those players were banned on GGC before we even had it on our servers. They're just been kicked now from the server when they connect. Most of them at least
I can see from GGC all the players who have been banned&kicked from our servers and I think there is more than 5 pages kicked players on each server. No point in writing them here :D
Known or remembered players should be posted here when banned by GGC. But think this was the last list because the rest still plays and thats good :)
It is really good, but we still have some hackers. However, it relieved the server.
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